铁的氧化物具有较高的表面电荷、比表面积和较好的重金属吸附能力,且负载铁氧化物吸附剂浸出毒性较小,是较为理想的砷吸附材料[4]。活性炭比表面积大,吸附能力强,许多研究利用活性炭负载铁氧化物去除水中砷,取得了良好的效果[5-8]。但是,以上研究均是采用的颗粒或粉末活性炭进行静态吸附实验,未应用于流动状态下高砷地下水的过滤净化,缺乏实用性[5-6, 8]。部分研究采用柱实验模拟净化高砷地下水,但是其过滤净化流量大多控制在50 mL·min-1以下,处理效率难以达到家庭正常供水要求[9-12]。而成型活性炭技术能够对粉末状活性炭原料进行成型加工,避免粉末活性炭易流失的缺陷,提升活性炭净化处理效率,解决改性活性炭材料实际应用的难题[13]。本研究基于铁氧化物对砷的吸附原理,以载铁活性炭为原料,通过成型活性炭烧结加工工艺,制备高效除砷滤芯,保证经滤芯过滤处理后的地下水砷含量低于10 μg·L-1。
Preparation of sintered iron-loaded activated carbon filter core and its arsenic removal performance
摘要: 为实现高砷地下水分布区居民饮用水高效除砷,通过氧化法对椰壳活性炭进行载铁改性处理,采用成型活性炭烧结加工工艺,制备高效除砷滤芯。结果表明:所制得的长度为25.4 cm的除砷滤芯可将初始浓度为500 μg·L-1的高砷水,以1 L·min-1的流量过滤处理为砷含量在10 μg·L-1以下的安全饮用水,使用寿命达260 L,相对于普通活性炭烧结滤芯,使用寿命提高了4倍;通过SEM和EDS分析,改性处理后的活性炭表面负载了铁的氧化物,导致其对砷的吸附能力提高了50%;同时滤芯加工过程中的高压处理使得载铁活性炭颗粒之间呈片状紧密堆叠在一起,含砷溶液透过致密活性炭层中的5~20 μm孔隙时,溶液中的砷与活性炭及铁的氧化物接触而被吸附去除。该滤芯可应用于高砷地下水分布区居民家庭分散式净水除砷。Abstract: In order to remove arsenic efficiently from drinking water of residents living in distribution areas with high arsenic groundwater, an oxidation method was used to modify coconut shell activated carbon with iron coating. Then a filter core with high effective arsenic removal was prepared by using formed activated carbon sintering process. The results showed that the arsenic removal filter core with 25.4 cm length could treat 260 L high arsenic raw water with 500 μg·L-1 initial concentration at 1 L·min-1 flow rate, the arsenic content of filtrated water was below 10 μg·L-1 and met the drinking water standard. In comparison with the sintered filter core with common activated carbon, the service life of the new one increased by 4 times. SEM and EDS analysis indicated that the modified activated carbon surface was loaded with iron oxides, resulting in 50% increase in its arsenic adsorption capacity. The high-pressure treatment during the filter core processing led to the close stack in a sheet form for the iron-loaded activated carbon. When arsenic-contained solution passed through the pores with size of 5~20 μm in the compact activated carbon layer, arsenic could meet the activated carbon and loaded iron oxides, and was adsorbed and removed from water accordingly. The filter core can be used to remove arsenic from decentralized drinking water of residents living in distribution areas with high arsenic groundwater.
表 1 活性炭样品EDS能谱分析测试结果
Table 1. Results of EDS spectrum analysis of activated carbon samples
% 元素 改性前 改性后 过滤砷溶液后 C 94.09 32.75 44.92 O 5.65 39.98 17.69 Fe 0 23.26 35.22 As 0.02 0.06 0.78 Na 0.02 2.19 0.37 Cl 0.15 1.17 0.12 Si 0.10 0.59 0.90 -
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