Metal leaching from waste ternary lithium battery cathode materials
摘要: 三元锂电池正极材料中含有大量锰及其他有价金属元素,具有极高的回收利用价值。采用马弗炉加热至530 ℃,恒温1 h,去除三元锂电池正极材料上的聚偏氟乙烯和乙炔黑。用1 mol·L-1的稀硫酸与质量分数为30%的双氧水超声作用10 min将正极集流体洗涤干净。采用1 mol·L-1的稀硫酸将铝箔洗涤并回收。将2部分洗涤液置于90 ℃条件下反应60 min后加入过二硫酸钾,继续反应120 min,制得α-MnO2颗粒。结果表明,锰回收率达到99.5%,镍、钴和锂元素的浸出率分别可达99.8%、99.7%和99.8%。实现三元锂电池的正极材料中镍钴锂的浸出及锰的回收。Abstract: Ternary lithium battery cathode materials have extremely high recycling value because they contain a large amount of manganese and other valuable metal elements. The cathode materials of the waste ternary lithium battery were heated to a temperature of 530 °C for 1 h in a muffle furnace to remove polyvinylidene fluoride and acetylene black. The positive electrode current collector was washed with 1 mol·L-1 dilute sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide with a mass fraction of 30% for 10 minutes. Aluminum foil was washed with 1 mol·L-1 dilute sulfuric acid and collected. The potassium persulfate was added into the mixture after they were mixed at at 90 ℃ for 60 minutes. The reaction was continued for 120 minutes to obtain α-MnO2 particles. The results showed that the manganese recovery rate reached 99.5%, and the leaching rates of nickel, cobalt, and lithium were 99.8%, 99.7% and 99.8%, respectively. Therefore, it achieved the leaching and recovery of lithium, nickel, cobalt, and manganese from waste ternary lithium battery cathode material.
Key words:
- waste ternary lithium batteries /
- cathode materials /
- α-MnO2 /
- leaching
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