肉类屠宰厂产生的废水包含圈栏内粪便冲洗水、屠宰车间内的含血废水及褪毛高温废水,主要含有大分子有机物、动物油脂等,以及类大肠杆菌等细菌,且伴有腥臭味[1-2]。屠宰废水中COD、氨氮和总氮分别约为600~3 000 mg·L−1、50~320 mg·L−1、 80~354 mg·L−1[3-4]。屠宰废水生化处理技术比较成熟,多采用“水解酸化+生物接触氧化”[3-4]或“UASB+SBR”[5]等组合工艺。然而,UASB等工艺的基建难度较大、成本较高,并不适用于小型污水处理厂。传统生物法基建难度小、成本低,但其脱氮效率不理想且存在脱氮除磷过程中聚磷菌和硝化细菌污泥龄矛盾的问题。以传统A2/O工艺为基础的UCT工艺对COD、总氮和总磷的去除率较高,还可解决SBR、UASB、A2/O等传统工艺在脱氮除磷时存在的问题[6]。
本案例以《屠宰与肉类加工工业水污染物排放标准 (征求意见稿) 》的间接排放标准为废水处理目标,基于传统生化工艺设计出一套基建难度小且能满足生产需求的改良回流模式UCT工艺。根据出水水质情况及污泥挂膜情况,调整曝气量、硝化混合液回流比、缺氧混合液回流比及污泥回流比,以完成现场运行调试,并核算改造成本与运行成本,以期为同类小型高氮屠宰废水的处理工程的设计或运行改造提供参考。
Engineering case of UCT process with improved reflux mode for treating high-nitrogen slaughtering wastewater
- Received Date: 19/10/2022
- Available Online: 10/04/2023
Abstract: The UCT process with a modified reflux mode was used to treat high-nitrogen slaughter wastewater with a treatment capacity of 200 m3·d-1. Under the condition of relatively stable quality of the inlet water, the results of 130 consecutive days of the commissioning and operation showed that the removal rate of COD, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen and total phosphorus could reach 97%, 98%, 94% and 92% respectively, and the effluent water quality reached the indirect discharge standard of the"Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Slaughtering and Meat Processing Industry (Draft for Comments)". In the early stage of commissioning and operation of the process, the problem of sludge aging was effectively avoided by adding carbon sources and trace elements. In the process of stable operation, the reflux ratio of nitrifying mixture, the reflux ratio of anoxic mixture and the sludge reflux ratio were adjusted to 267%, 82% and 70%, respectively,to make the process run under the best conditions. Combined with the fluorescence spectrum analysis results of each process section, it was shown that the modified reflux mode UCT process had a good nitrogen removal effect and the tryptophan substances and soluble microbial by-products were effectively degraded during the process. The equipment and commissioning costs involved in the engineering renovation were not high, the cost of treating tons of water was about 30% lower than the traditional slaughter wasterwater treatment process. The debugging and operation experience could provide reference for the commissioning and operation of similar wastewater treatment projects.