Figure 10 ,Table 0
    • 图  1  实验装置示意

      Figure 1.  Experimental apparatus

    • 图  2  MAL形貌和结构观察

      Figure 2.  Observation of morphology and structure of MAL

    • 图  3  不同体系深度处理制药废水COD去除率

      Figure 3.  COD removal efficiencies of pharmaceutical wastewater by different advanced treatment systems

    • 图  4  不同体系处理制药废水前后BOD5/COD值

      Figure 4.  BOD5/COD value of pharmaceutical wastewater before and after treatment by the different systems

    • 图  5  不同体系处理制药废水前后发光细菌抑制率

      Figure 5.  Inhibition rate of luminescent bacteria of pharmaceutical wastewater before and after treatment by the different systems

    • 图  6  不同体系处理制药废水前后DOM组分变化情况

      Figure 6.  Changes in DOM components of pharmaceutical wastewater before and after treatment by the different systems

    • 图  7  不同体系处理制药废水前后DOM组分UV254变化

      Figure 7.  UV254 values of DOM components of pharmaceutical wastewater before and after treatment by the different systems

    • 图  8  平行因子分析得出的6组分荧光光谱图

      Figure 8.  Fluorescence spectra of the six components based on PARAFAC analysis

    • 图  9  不同体系中DOM组分荧光物质荧光强度变化率

      Figure 9.  Variation efficiency of fluorescence intensity of fluorescent substances in DOM components in different treatment systems

    • 图  10  不同体系处理制药废水前后DOM组分荧光区域积分面积(φ值)与COD浓度比值

      Figure 10.  Ratios of integral area of fluorescence region (φ value) to COD concentration of DOM components of pharmaceutical wastewater before and after treatment by the different systems