Figure 14 ,Table 5
    • 图  1  不同Zr投加量产物MZCO的磷吸附量

      Figure 1.  Phosphate adsorption capacity of the MZCO composites with different Zr molar mass.

    • 图  2  MZCO的XRD图

      Figure 2.  XRD patterns of MZCO

    • 图  3  MZCO的高分辨透射电镜和ZCO的FFT图谱

      Figure 3.  HRTEM images of MZCO and FFT pattern of ZCO

    • 图  4  MZCO的SEM和EDS面扫图

      Figure 4.  SEM images of MZCO with the corresponding EDS mapping

    • 图  5  MZCO的磁滞回线、不同pH下MZCO和Fe3O4的Zeta电位

      Figure 5.  The VSM analysis of MZCO and Zeta potentials of MZCO and Fe3O4 versus pH

    • 图  6  MZCO磷吸附等温线

      Figure 6.  Phosphate adsorption isotherms onto MZCO.

    • 图  7  MZCO磷吸附动力学曲线

      Figure 7.  Phosphate adsorption kinetics of MZCO composites

    • 图  8  溶液pH对MZCO吸附磷的影响曲线

      Figure 8.  Effects of pH on phosphate adsorption onto MZCO composites

    • 图  9  磷酸根和碳酸根在不同pH下的形态分布

      Figure 9.  The phosphate and carbonate species distribution versus pH

    • 图  10  MZCO吸附磷的共存离子影响实验图

      Figure 10.  Effects of co-existing ions on phosphate adsorption onto MZCO composites

    • 图  11  MZCO在不同脱附液中的磷脱附量以及铁、锆离子溶出浓度

      Figure 11.  The phosphate desorption capacity and released Fe/Zr content of MZCO composites

    • 图  12  MZCO的吸附脱附循环和吸附穿透曲线

      Figure 12.  The recycling behaviors and breakthrough profiles of MZCO composites

    • 图  13  MZCO吸附前后的ATR-IR图谱

      Figure 13.  ATR-IR spectra of MZCO before and after phosphate adsorption

    • 图  14  MZCO吸附前后的XPS全谱、Zr3d、O1s分峰图谱

      Figure 14.  Wide scan, Zr3d and O1s XPS spectra of MZCO before and after phosphate adsorption