Figure 8 ,Table 2
    • 图  1  中试区注入井(IW) 及监测井(MW) 分布示意图

      Figure 1.  Distribution diagram of injection well (IW) and monitoring wells (MW) in pilot area

    • 图  2  nZVI现场制备设备及过程示意图

      Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of on-site preparation equipment and process of nZVI

    • 图  3  CMC-nZVI的微观形貌 (制备体积: 500 L)

      Figure 3.  Micro-morphology of CMC-nZVI (volume of liquid nZVI: 500 L)

    • 图  4  监测井MW1中各氯代烃的浓度变化趋势

      Figure 4.  Variation of chlorinated hydrocarbons in MW1 monitoring well

    • 图  5  监测井MW2中各氯代烃的浓度变化趋势

      Figure 5.  Variation of chlorinated hydrocarbons in MW2 monitoring well

    • 图  6  监测井MW3中各氯代烃的浓度变化趋势

      Figure 6.  Variations of chlorinated hydrocarbons in MW3 monitoring well

    • 图  7  各监测井中总铁浓度的变化

      Figure 7.  Changes of total iron concentration in all monitoring wells

    • 图  8  各监测井中乙烯浓度变化

      Figure 8.  Changes of ethene concentration in all monitoring wells