Figure 9 ,Table 3
    • 图  1  MGTA-CDCH的扫描电镜图

      Figure 1.  SEM images of MGTA-CDCH

    • 图  2  MGTA-CDCH的N2吸附-脱附等温线及孔径分布及其在不同pH条件下的Zeta电位

      Figure 2.  N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms and pore size distribution of MGTA-CDCH, and the Zeta potential versus pH of MGTA-CDCH

    • 图  3  MGTA-CDCH对草甘膦的吸附等温线

      Figure 3.  Adsorption isotherm of glyphosate onto MGTA-CDCH

    • 图  4  MGTA-CDCH的草甘膦吸附动力学曲线

      Figure 4.  Glyphosate adsorption kinetics of MGTA-CDCH

    • 图  5  溶液pH对MGTA-CDCH吸附草甘膦的影响曲线

      Figure 5.  Effects of pH on glyphosate adsorption onto MGTA-CDCH.

    • 图  6  草甘膦酸解离平衡常数图

      Figure 6.  Acid-dissociation equilibrium constants of glyphosate

    • 图  7  MGTA-CDCH的腐殖酸影响吸附实验

      Figure 7.  Effect of HA on the adsorption of glyphosate onto MGTA-CDCH

    • 图  8  MGTA-CDCH吸附草甘膦的吸附-解吸循环实验

      Figure 8.  Adsorption-desorption cycle tests of glyphosate onto MGTA-CDCH

    • 图  9  MGTA-CDCH对草甘膦实际废水的吸附性能

      Figure 9.  Removal of glyphosate from actual surface water by the MGTA-CDCH adsorbent