图 1 天津滨海新区临港工业园区1期建设产业园土地利用类型及采样点位示意图
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of land use types and sampling locations of Lingang industrial park phase 1 of Tianjin Binhai new area
图 2 天津市滨海新区塘沽站月平均降雨量(1981—2010年)分布特征及采样时间示意图
Figure 2. Distribution characteristics of monthly rainfall (from 1981 to 2010) and sampling time distribution of Tanggu Station, Binhai New District, Tianjin
图 3 临港工业园区5次降雨径流事件污染物的平均浓度(EMCs)
Figure 3. Mean concentrations of pollutants (EMCs) during 5 rainfall-runoff events in Lingang Industrial Park
图 4 污染物主成分分析
Figure 4. Principal component analysis of pollutants
图 5 降雨径流污染物M(V)输移曲线
Figure 5. Transport curve of rainfall runoff pollutant M(V)
图 6 初始冲刷效应分析
Figure 6. First flush effect analysis
图 7 b值的拟合结果
Figure 7. Fitting result of b value
图 8 不同下垫面的MFFR20
Figure 8. MFFR20 of different underlying surfaces
图 9 不同降雨事件中冲刷强度指数b值比较
Figure 9. Comparison of flush intensity index b values in different rainfall events
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