Figure 16 ,Table 1
    • 图  1  平版印刷过程示意图

      Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of the lithographic process

    • 图  2  平版印刷机示意图及外部接收罩设计参数

      Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of lithographic printing machine and design parameters of external receiving hood

    • 图  3  计算模型及不同集气罩设计参数

      Figure 3.  Calculation model and design parameters of different gas collecting hood

    • 图  4  静风条件下甲苯浓度分布趋势

      Figure 4.  Trend of toluene concentration distribution under windless conditions

    • 图  5  外部接收罩不同风量下甲苯浓度场及气流速度场

      Figure 5.  Toluene concentration field and air velocity field for external receiving hood at different air volumes

    • 图  6  外部接收罩收集效率与收集风量的关系

      Figure 6.  Relationship between collection efficiency of external receiving hood and collected air volume

    • 图  7  半密闭罩收集风量为320 m3·h−1时甲苯浓度场及气流速度场

      Figure 7.  Toluene concentration field and air velocity field for semi-closed hood at air volume of 320 m3·h−1

    • 图  8  密闭罩收集风量为160 m3·h−1时甲苯浓度场及气流速度场

      Figure 8.  Toluene concentration field and air velocity field for closed hood at air volume of 160 m3·h−1

    • 图  9  不同集气罩下收集效率与收集风量的关系

      Figure 9.  Relationship between collection efficiency and collected air volume for different air hoods

    • 图  10  不同高度挡板优化示意图

      Figure 10.  Schematic diagram of baffle optimization with different heights

    • 图  11  d=300 mm时甲苯浓度场及气流速度场

      Figure 11.  Toluene concentration field and air velocity field at d=300 mm

    • 图  12  不同挡板高度下的收集效率

      Figure 12.  Collection efficiency at different baffle heights

    • 图  13  不同数量的格栅优化示意图

      Figure 13.  Schematic diagram of grid optimization with different numbers

    • 图  14  不同格栅数量下的收集效率

      Figure 14.  Collection efficiency at the different number of grids

    • 图  15  外部接收罩结构优化示意图

      Figure 15.  Schematic diagram of structural optimization of external receiving hood

    • 图  16  外部接收罩优化后收集风量为640 m3·h−1时甲苯浓度场及气流速度场

      Figure 16.  Toluene concentration field and air velocity field for the optimized external receiving hood at air volume of 640 m3·h−1