Figure 4 ,Table 0
    • 图  1  颗粒化培养过程中初期NH4+-N和NO2--N浓度变化

      Figure 1.  Variation of ammonia nitrogen and nitrite concentration at initial stage in the granulation process.

    • 图  2  反应器中厌氧氨氧化物污泥的颗粒化过程

      Figure 2.  Granulation process of Anammox sludge in the reactor

    • 图  3  厌氧氨氧化污泥颗粒化过程中不同时期形貌

      Figure 3.  Morphology of Anammox sludge granulation at different stages

    • 图  4  絮状/颗粒状污泥对饥饿的响应及恢复

      Figure 4.  Response and recovery of flocculent/granular sludge to starvation