Research Progress on Chemical Properties, Transformation and Toxicity of Typical Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Water
摘要: 消毒副产物是饮用水消毒过程中形成的产物,饮用水新国标(GB 5749—2022)更加关注消毒副产物指标,将三卤甲烷等6项消毒副产物指标从非常规指标调整到常规指标。本文总结分析了水质标准中重要的消毒副产物和新兴消毒副产物在化学及毒理方面的研究与进展,重点阐明了典型消毒副产物的化学特性、生成转化途径,梳理了化学结构与其毒性之间的关系。Abstract: Disinfection byproduct is a kind of toxic matter produced during the disinfection treatment of drinking water. The standards for drinking water quality (GB 5749—2022) raises more attention to indicators of disinfection byproducts and adjusts six indicators of disinfection byproducts, including trihalomethanes, from unconventional indicators to conventional indicators. This paper summarizes and analyses research advances on typical disinfection byproducts and emerging disinfection byproducts. In addition, the chemical transformation pathways of disinfection byproducts are analyzed, and the relationship between chemical structure and toxicology is sorted out.
Key words:
- drinking water /
- disinfection byproducts /
- toxicity /
- transformation
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