Carbon Source Dosing Strategy of Urban domestic Sewage Treatment Plants
摘要: 低C/N进水条件造成的生物处理系统反硝化脱氮能力不足已成为我国污水处理厂运行面临的主要挑战。笔者应用文献计量学对目前碳源投加策略进行了总结,并以东北地区某城镇污水处理厂为考察对象,结合各碳源的实际应用情况介绍了目前常用的几种主流外加碳源的优缺点,分析了甲醇、乙酸钠、葡萄糖、麦可碳4种碳源投加公式计算理论值与实际碳源投加量之间存在差异的原因,旨在为城镇污水处理厂实现经济、高效、低碳运行碳源投加策略提供技术指导。Abstract: The lack of denitrification and nitrogen removal capacity of biological treatment systems caused by low C/N ratio in influent has become a significant challenge for the operation of sewage treatment plants. This paper summarizes the current carbon source dosing strategy using bibliometrics. Taking a municipal sewage treatment plant in Northeast China as an example, combined with the practical application of various carbon sources, the advantages and disadvantages of several mainstream external carbon sources commonly used are introduced. And the reasons for differences between the theoretical values calculated with the carbon source addition formula and the actual carbon source dosages of four carbon sources of methanol, sodium acetate, glucose, and MicroC. All these results aimed to provide technical guidance for the carbon source dosing strategy of urban domestic sewage treatment plants, which realize economical, efficient and low-carbon operation.
Key words:
- denitrification /
- urban sewage treatment plant /
- carbon source /
- carbon source dosing
表 1 各类碳源及其优缺点
Table 1. Various carbon sources and their advantages and disadvantages
名称 优点 缺点 参考文献 常用外
加碳源甲醇 成本低、可大量获得、污泥产量低 是一种易燃易爆、神经毒性的化学物质,运输安全及成本等问题限制了其广泛应用 [1] 乙酸钠 易被利用,反硝化速率较快,适用于应急项目 运输费用高;产泥量大,污泥处理费用增加;价格较贵,基本不会大规模使用 [18] 糖类 糖类中以葡萄糖为代表作为外加碳源处理效果不错,其产品成本低、运输便捷、且容易被生物降解 易引起细菌的大量繁殖,使污泥膨胀,出水COD值升高,影响出水水质,易产生亚硝态氮积累的现象;需现场配制溶液,投加精准性差,大型污水处理厂无法使用;工业葡萄糖含杂质多而食品葡萄糖价格贵 [19] 复合碳源 反硝化速率高,成本降低 构成成分复杂 [20] 食品工业的
废物产品玉米淀粉加工废水 具有较高的有机浓度、良好的可生化性、毒副作用小、且氮、磷释放小 运输成本高、投加设备要求特殊 [3,21]
[22]甜品、汽水、啤酒废水 乳品、肉类加工残渣 富含甘油的生物燃料副产物 麦可碳 MicroC不易燃,且来自可再生农产品,具有环境优势及经济优势 不经驯化污泥难以利用 [23] 粗甘油 粗甘油作为生物柴油的主要副产物来源丰富价格低廉 含有较多杂质、存在环境风险 [4,24] -
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