人工湿地对污水中的氮、磷污染物有很好的去除效果,而且具有投资成本低、维护管理方便和不产生二次污染等优点[1],在农村生活污水处理领域具有广阔的应用前景。目前,人工湿地在农村生活污水中的应用以潜流式为主,包括水平流人工湿地(horizontal flow constructed wetland,HFCWs)和垂直流人工湿地(vertical flow constructed wetland,VFCWs),设计时通常参考国家环保部发布的《人工湿地污水处理工程技术规范》(HJ 2005—2010)。该规范主要适用于城镇污水厂出水深度处理,HFCWs与VFCWs水力负荷建议取值为0.015~0.5 m3∙(m2∙d)−1和0.2~0.8 m3∙(m2∙d)−1;针对农村水质水量变化大、地区之间差别大的情况,参数取值的适宜性尚需探讨。
长三角平原地区人口密度高、环境负荷大、土地资源紧缺,且位于太湖流域,环境敏感性高,近年来对农村生活污水治理与达标排放的要求越来越严格,处理工艺也因此由最初的单纯厌氧池或单纯人工湿地系统慢慢演变为生物处理+人工湿地组合工艺。在生物处理+人工湿地组合工艺中,生物处理被认为担任去除有机污染物、悬浮物和脱氮除磷的主要角色,普遍采用在市政污水处理效果较好的A2O (anaerobic-anoxic-oxic)工艺。污水经生物处理后,可降低后续人工湿地单元的进水浓度,在进一步去除氮磷、稳定出水水质的同时,减少湿地的占地面积[2]。农村生活污水的水量和水质受季节、时段的影响变化大[3],设施进水碳氮比低、运行过程中溶解氧控制调整难[4-7],这些因素均将增加A2O和人工湿地在处理农村生活污水中充分硝化和高效脱氮除磷方面的难度,从而影响设施效果的发挥。
Performance of A2O combined with constructed wetland on treating rural domestic sewage in plain areas of Yangtze River delta region, China
摘要: 对嘉兴海宁的28座A2O+水平流人工湿地(horizontal flow constructed wetland,HFCWs)和46座A2O+垂直流人工湿地(vertical flow constructed wetland,VFCWs)进行采样,测试了进出水COD、NH3-N、TN、TP和SS,评价了出水稳定性及稳定达标率,比较研究了2种组合工艺对农村生活污水的处理效果及设计和运行问题。结果表明:A2O+VFCWs的出水稳定达标率高于A2O+HFCWs;A2O+VFCWs的出水水质稳定性在冬季较好,但在夏季较差。A2O+VFCWs组合工艺对COD、NH3-N、TN和TP的平均去除率,在冬季为(82.0±18.5)%、(94.8±8.8)%、(49.3±16.8)%和(50.9±16.8)%,在夏季为(72.5±13.2)%、(80.0±16.9)%、(30.0±17.8)%和(30.7±18.9)%,对污染物去除起主要作用的单元是VFCWs。而A2O+HFCWs组合工艺,对COD、NH3-N、TN和TP的平均去除率在冬季为(59.3±21.4)%、(79.1±19.9)%、(42.3±17.3)%和(25.0±10.2)%,在夏季为(62.2±18.0)%、(58.1±30.8)%、(40.6±20.0)%和(28.9±15.7)%,对污染物去除起主要作用的单元是A2O。A2O+VFCWs的A2O单元对TN和TP的平均去除率,在冬季为(20.7±16.3)%和(15.6±10.2)%,在夏季为(20.4±11.9)%和(12.6±13.9)%,而A2O+HFCWs的A2O单元对TN和TP的平均去除率,在冬季为(33.2±16.3)%和(25.0±10.2)%,在夏季为(31.3±24.1)%和(21.9±17.4)%,2种组合工艺中的A2O单元去除效果均不理想,可能与进水碳氮比太低,且排泥少有关。A2O+VFCWs的 A2O单元对各污染物去除率明显低于A2O+HFCWs,主要原因是有效容积偏小且溶解氧控制不够。A2O+VFCWs的VFCWs单元对COD、NH3-N、TN和TP的平均去除率,在冬季为(58.8±25.4)%、(61.4±24.4)%、(22.7±8.5)%和(27.4±21.2)%,比HFCWs分别高出16.0%、36.9%、1.3%和9.5%,在夏季为(59.9±25.0)%、(71.6±26.5)%、(38.3±32.8)%和(39.2±32.9)%,比HFCWs高出28.8%、52.6%、10.5%和5.0%,这主要得益于VFCWs较低的设计水力负荷和较低的出水口位置。综合上述结果,建议该县级市从结构和运行2方面着手进行提升改造。Abstract: Samples from 28 A2O combined with horizontal flow constructed wetlands (A2O-HFCWs) and 46 A2O combined with vertical flow constructed wetlands (A2O-VFCWs) in Haining County, Jiaxing City were collected, chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and suspended solids (SS) in the influent and effluent were determined. Then the stability of effluent quality and compliance rate were evaluated, the comparisons between these two processes on the performance of rural domestic sewage treatment, and the problems of design and operation, were conducted. The results showed that: The compliance rates of A2O-VFCWs were higher than those of A2O-HFCWs.The effluent stability of A2O-VFCWs was good in winter, but poor in summer. The average removal rates of COD, NH3-N, TN and TP by A2O+VFCWs were (82.0±18.5)%, (94.8±8.8)%, (49.3±16.8)%, and (50.9±16.8)% in winter, respectively, while they were (72.5±13.2)%, (80.0±16.9)%, (30.0±17.8)%, and (30.7±18.9) % in summer, respectively. The main unit being responsible for pollutants removal was VFCWs. For A2O+HFCWs, the average removal rates of COD, NH3-N, TN and TP by A2O+VFCWs were (59.3±21.4)%, (79.1±19.9)%, (42.3±17.3)% and (25.0±10.2)% in winter, respectively,, while they were (62.2±18.0)%, (58.1±30.8)%, (40.6±20.0)% and (28.9±15.7)% in summer, respectively. The main unit being responsible for pollutants removal was A2O. The average TN and TP removal rates of A2O unit in A2O+VFCWs were (20.7±16.3)% and (15.6±10.2)% in winter, (20.4±11.9)% and (12.6±13.9)% in summer, respectively, which were significantly lower than those of A2O unit in A2O+HFCWs: (33.2±16.3)% and (25.0±10.2)% in winter, (31.3±24.1)% and (21.9±17.4)% in summer, respectively, The reason was the small effective volume and insufficient dissolved oxygen control. The removal efficiencies of A2O unit in these two combined processes were not ideal, which may be related to the low ratio of carbon to nitrogen and insufficient sludge discharge. The average removal rates of COD, NH3-N, TN and TP of VFCWs unit in A2O+VFCWs were (58.8±25.4)%, (61.4±24.4)%, (22.7±8.5)%, and (27.4±21.2)% in winter, which were 16.0%, 36.9%, 1.3%, and 9.5% higher than those of HFCWs, respectively; they were (59.9±25.0)%, (71.6±26.5)%, (38.3±32.8)%, and (39.2±32.9)% in summer, which were 28.8%, 52.6%, 10.5%, and 5.0% higher than those of HFCWs, respectively. The main reasons were the lower design hydraulic load and lower outlet level of VFCWs. To sum up, the county-level city was suggested to improve the performance of A2O or constructed wetland by upgrading structure of the units and optimizing operation strategies.
表 1 2种组合工艺的冬季和夏季水质
Table 1. Water quality of the two combined processes in winter and summer
季节 工艺类型 抽检设施/座 沿程水质 NH3-N/(mg∙L−1) TN/(mg∙L−1) TP/(mg∙L−1) COD/(mg∙L−1) SS/(mg∙L−1) 冬季 A2O+HFCWs 16 A2O进水 28.4±14.1 38.4±19.1 2.7±1.2 40.7±29.6 15.4±15.0 A2O出水 13.6±12.2 26.0±12.8 2.3±1.1 30.2±26.3 16.6±23.2 湿地出水 6.8±7.5 20.4±9.1 2.0±0.9 16.1±9.2 9.6±19.0 A2O+VFCWs 8 A2O进水 36.2±27.1 46.6±28.8 3.7±2.8 45.8±44.2 107.4±189.7 A2O出水 31.4±26.9 40.0±24.2 3.2±2.2 44.1±41.5 16.1±24.0 湿地出水 4.0±3.1 33.1±21.4 1.9±0.9 12.8±2.9 13.1±17.3 夏季 A2O+HFCWs 29 A2O进水 45.2±17.3 53.4±18.6 5.1±1.8 144.8±64.3 94.0±44.4 A2O出水 25.1±20.6 41.3±20.0 4.3±1.6 64.7133.8 33.4±16.0 湿地出水 24.0±19.0 35.7±19.3 3.8±1.5 53.0±29.5 27.0±19.4 A2O+VFCWs 21 A2O进水 38.2±27.3 46.6±27.0 4.9±2.9 102.8±84.2 68.9±61.2 A2O出水 32.1±26.2 40.9±36.4 4.3±2.7 99.5±132.9 49.3±43.5 湿地出水 11.3±17.0 36.4±21.5 3.9±2.5 28.0±24.3 17.8±17.6 表 2 2种组合工艺出水在冬夏两季的稳定达标率与偏差系数
Table 2. Stable compliance rates and deviation coefficients of effluents from the two combined processes in winter and summer
季节 工艺名称 稳定达标率/% 偏差系数 NH3-N TP COD SS NH3-N TP COD SS 冬季 A2O+VFCWs 99.9 88.7 100 93.8 −1.02 −1.21 −0.82 −0.77 A2O+HFCWs 97.2 86.5 100 90.8 −1.01 −1.48 −0.75 −0.77 夏季 A2O+VFCWs 89.8 44.5 98.1 85.3 −1.15 1.13 −1.09 −1.12 A2O+HFCWs 66.3 32.3 93.1 58.0 0.28 1.16 −1.27 0.37 -
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