针对有机污染场地的修复,近些年来,国内应用异位热脱附技术较多,且积累了大量的工程经验及成功案例。但是,应用异位热脱附技术修复有机污染场地的过程中尚存在着二次污染难控制、社会影响较大等问题。尤其涉及污染较深的场地,不适合使用异位热脱附技术[7-9]。原位热脱附技术(in-situ thermal desorption,ISTD)是通过对土壤直接或间接加热,促使有机污染物挥发,由固相、液相向气相转化,进而对其进一步收集并去除的技术[9]。ISTD作为修复土壤和地下水中有机污染的一项重要技术,在修复低渗透性土壤、污染深度较深且有机物污染严重的场地中具有很大的优势和应用前景[10-11]。
ISTD按照不同的加热方式可分为蒸汽加热[12-13]、电阻加热[14-15]和热传导加热[16]。电热脱附技术属于热传导加热,其过程是通过在垂直(或倾斜)阵列加热井中安置电加热棒,电加热元件可在高达800 ℃的条件下平稳运行,绝大部分有机污染物、重质或轻质非水相液体,将会通过蒸发、蒸馏、沸腾、氧化和高温分解等过程挥发或被处理掉[17]。电热脱附技术基本不受污染物理化性质、复杂地质及水文地质条件等因素的限制,具备应用范围广、设备安装便捷、加热过程安全、处理速度快等优势,正逐步被广泛应用于各种低渗透性、难处理有机物污染场地治理工程中[18],如ISTD曾大规模成功应用于美国新泽西泰特波罗机场附近地块等修复项目[19]。目前,国内在宁波、苏州、天津、武汉等城市的大型修复项目中已陆续开展电热脱附技术实验及应用。
Application effect of in-situ electric thermal desorption technology used in remediation at an organics-contaminated site
摘要: 以某退役化学试剂厂土壤及地下水中氯乙烯、顺-1,2-二氯乙烯、苯、氯苯为目标污染物,基于电热脱附技术开展了中试规模的修复研究。结果表明:经电热脱附处理后,土壤中氯乙烯、氯苯的平均去除率分别达到100%、99%,均低于北京市《场地土壤环境风险评价筛选值》中污染场地(住宅用地)中土壤筛选值;地下水中氯乙烯、顺-1,2-二氯乙烯、苯、氯苯的平均去除率分别为90.5%、93.5%、96.4%、99.3%。此外,加热井设计间距对土壤温度变化有明显影响,间距为3.0 m的加热井布设方案下的升温时间短且升温效果好,优于间距为4.0 m的加热井布设方案,但两者均可达到去除污染物的目标;加热边界有效热传递范围可达2.0 m;止水帷幕与加热边界的最佳间距至少为3.0 m;目标温度越高,热脱附时间越长,热脱附效率则越高。同时,还讨论了土壤含水率及渗透性等因素对脱附效果的影响。电热脱附技术对修复氯代烃类有机物污染场地具有良好的效果,可进行大规模的工程应用。Abstract: In this study, vinyl chloride, cis-1, 2-dichloroethylene, benzene in the chlorobenzene-contaminated soil and the corresponding groundwater from a retired chemical reagent factory were taken as the objects, the pilot test of in-situ electric thermal desorption technique was conducted to treat them. The results revealed that the average removal rates of vinyl chloride and chlorobenzene from the treated soil with in-situ electric thermal desorption reached 100% and 99%, respectively, the corresponding residual contents in the treated soils were lower than the screening levels for soil environmental risk assessment of sites (residential land) in Beijing. The average removal rates of vinyl chloride, cis-1, 2-dichloroethylene, benzene and chlorobenzene from groundwater were 90.5%, 93.5%, 96.4% and 99.3%, respectively. The distance between heating wells had the effect on the temperature variation. At the distance of 3.0 m, the heating time was shorter and the heating effect was better than that at the distance of 4.0 m, while both of them could achieve the goal of contaminants removal. The effective heat transfer range of the heating boundary reached 2.0 m, and the optimal spacing between the water-resisting curtain and the heating boundary was determined at least 3.0 m. The removal efficiency was positively correlated with heating temperature and thermal desorption time. Both longer time and higher efficiency for the thermal desorption occurred when higher target temperature was set. Meanwhile, the effects of soil moisture and porosity on the removal efficiency were discussed. The results indicate that the in-situ electric thermal desorption technology can be applied to remediate the site contaminated by chlorinated hydrocarbon organic pollutants in the large-scale practice.
表 1 实验区地层岩性分布
Table 1. Stratigraphic lithologic distribution of the experimental area
成因 土层名称 标准层号 层厚/m 层底标高/m 性质 人工堆积① 杂填土1 ①1 0.40~0.60 2.50~2.30 均匀性差 人工堆积① 黏质粉土素填土2 ①2 0.40~1.60 2.00~0.90 均匀性差 坑底淤积② 粉质黏土1 ②1 0.60~1.00 0.90~−0.30 属不透水层 坑底淤积② 砂质粉土2 ②2 1.50~3.30 −1.80~−3.60 属弱透水层 古河道、洼淀冲积③ 粉质黏土1 ③1 1.30~3.10 −4.90~−5.10 属不透水层 古河道、洼淀冲积③ 黏质粉土-砂质粉土2 ③2 5.00~5.20 −10.10~−10.60 垂直向为微透水层,
水平向为弱透水层河床~河漫滩相沉积④ 粉质黏土 ④ 4.00~4.50 −14.40~−15.10 属微透水层 湖沼相沉积④ 砂质粉土 ⑤ 3.00~6.50 −18.10~−21.60 属弱透水层 注:场地地表标高为2.90 m。 表 2 实验区各土层理化性质
Table 2. Physical and chemical properties of every soil in experimental area
标准层号 土层名称 含水率/
(m2·h−1)①1 杂填土 25.9 1.92 44.4 18.1 1.87 1.79 1.86×10−3 ①2 黏质粉土素填土 25.9 1.92 44.4 18.1 1.87 1.79 1.86×10−3 ②1 粉质黏土 24.5 1.96 42.0 13.3 1.76 1.71 1.90×10−3 ②2 砂质粉土 25.4 1.98 42.0 11.6 1.87 1.83 1.88×10−3 ③1 粉质黏土 39.4 1.80 52.4 14.1 1.59 1.58 2.03×10−3 ③2 黏质粉土-砂质粉土 28.0 1.94 43.5 14.5 1.75 1.70 1.95×10−3 ④ 粉质黏土 21.7 2.03 38.6 14.4 1.88 1.86 1.80×10−3 ⑤ 砂质粉土 22.6 2.01 39.1 — — — — 注:由于第⑤层土层深度已超过污染深度,未检测相关理化性质,“—”表示未检测。 表 3 土壤中目标污染物含量变化
Table 3. Concentration variation of target pollutants in soil
污染物种类 编号 目标污染物浓度/(mg·kg−1) 2.0~3.5 m 3.5~5.0 m 5.0~6.5 m 6.5~8.0 m 8.0~9.5 m 实验前 实验后 实验前 实验后 实验前 实验后 实验前 实验后 实验前 实验后 氯乙烯 S01 <0.10 <0.10 0.81 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 5.4 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 S02 <0.10 <0.10 2.5 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 0.68 <0.10 S03 <0.10 <0.10 0.33 <0.10 0.18 <0.10 0.19 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 S04 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 0.74 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 氯苯 S01 0.89 <0.05 1.9 <0.05 4.2 <0.05 30 <0.05 5.2 <0.05 S02 0.22 <0.05 0.65 0.18 12 0.21 2.0 0.18 7.9 0.11 S03 0.12 <0.05 4.8 0.13 0.11 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 S04 0.48 <0.05 1.8 0.14 12 0.21 0.12 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 表 4 地下水中目标污染物含量变化
Table 4. Concentration variation of target pollutants in groundwater
污染物种类 编号 目标污染物浓度/(μg·L−1) 实验前 实验后 氯乙烯 W01 3.79×103 417 W02 2.58×103 219 W03 2.28×103 190 顺-1,2-二氯乙烯 W01 2.62×103 198 W02 2.59×103 167 W02 3.35×103 192 苯 W01 1.06×103 37.2 W02 389 10.8 W03 18.6 4.30 氯苯 W01 2.34×104 101 W02 7.95×103 61.0 W03 734 54.0 -
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