Low NOx combustion environmental protection modification for circulating fluidized bed boiler
摘要: 循环流化床锅炉具有低NOx燃烧的特性,但随着环保要求的不断提高,大部分此种类型锅炉已不能满足现行排放标准,需对原锅炉进行改造。考虑到循环流化床锅炉的结构特点,不适宜进行SCR改造,采用SNCR工艺需具备相应的温度窗口,并且增加还原剂的物料消耗,因此,利用循环流化床炉自身的特点进行局部改造,达到低NOx燃烧的目的,成为一种经济的研究方向。根据某循环流化床锅炉的改造实例探讨具体改造方案及最终效果,提出一种有效的循环流化床锅炉低NOx改造思路。Abstract: The circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boilers have low NOx combustion characteristics. However, with the increasing environmental protection requirement, most of CFB boiler has been unable to meet the existing emission standards, and modification of the original boiler is required. Taking into account the structural characteristics of CFB boiler, it’s not suitable for SCR transformation. The SNCR process requires a corresponding temperature window and increases the material consumption of the reducing agent. Therefore, partial modification of CFB furnace based on its own characteristics to achieve low NOx combustion has become an economic research direction. The specific modification project and the final effect were discussed according to a CFB boiler modification example. This paper presents an effective low NOx modification idea for CFB boilers.
Key words:
- circulating fluidized bed /
- boiler /
- lower NOx combustion /
- modification
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