Investigation and analysis of influent quality of wastewater treatment facilities in rural areas of Jiangsu province,China
摘要: 为深入了解农村污水处理设施的实际进水水质特征,以江苏省20个村庄内生活污水处理设施的进水为研究对象,开展为期1年的水质监测。结果表明,设施进水水质呈季节性变化规律,污染物浓度1月份最高,7月份最低。进水主要污染物指标分布规律为:春夏秋冬四季化学需氧量(COD)低浓度范畴(COD≤ 100 mg·L-1)占样本总数的比例最大,分别为66.7%、68.4%、77.8%和40.9%;总磷(TP)浓度低于3 mg·L-1的样本数占总数比例最大,分别为春季53.3%、夏季63.2%、秋季66.7%和冬季36.4%。总氮(TN)与NH4+-N随季节变化规律相同,夏季处理设施进水中低浓度范畴(TN≤ 20 mg·L-1、NH4+-N≤ 15 mg·L-1)占总数比例最大,分别为42.1%、44.7%。冬季处理设施进水TN、NH4+-N浓度主要变化范围分别是40~85 mg·L-1和35~70 mg·L-1,属中高浓度范畴,占样本总数的36.4%和54.5%。设施进水C/N偏低,年均值为3.9;NH4+-N占TN比例较高,年均值为68.9%。农村生活污水处理设施的设计,应以设施进水端水质为基准,以确保出水水质达标和防止资源浪费。Abstract: To fully understand the actual influent quality characteristics of wastewater treatment facilities,the influent quality in 20 villages within Jiangsu province was monitored for one year. The results showed that the influent quality fluctuates considerably by season,being highest in January and lowest in July. The concentration distribution patterns of the main pollutants were as follows. Among the samples studied,the largest proportion had relatively low (≤ 100 mg·L-1) chemical oxygen demand (COD) throughout the year,accounting for 66.7% of samples in spring,68.4% in summer,77.8% in autumn,and 40.9% in winter. Likewise,the largest proportion of water samples had total phosphorus (TP) levels below 3 mg·L-1 throughout the year,representing 53.3%,63.2%,66.7%,and 36.4% of the samples,respectively. The seasonal variation for total nitrogen TN and NH4+-N was identical. In summer,42.1% and 44.7% of samples had total nitrogen (TN)and NH4+-N concentrations below 20 mg·L-1 and 15 mg·L-1,respectively. Meanwhile,36.4% and 54.5% of samples had TN and NH4+-N concentrations from 40 to 85 mg·L-1 and from 35 to 70 mg·L-1,respectively. Additionally,the annually averaged C/N ratio is 3.9,and 68.9% of the TN was NH4+-N. The design of wastewater treatment facilities should be based on the influent quality to ensure that the effluent can satisfy the standard and avoid wasting resources.
Key words:
- Jiangsu province /
- rural domestic sewage treatment /
- influent quality
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