Treatment of high-strength synthetic detergent wastewater by fly ash-coagulation and SBR process
摘要: 针对车间合成洗涤剂生产废水浓度高、可生化性差、负荷大等特点,采用粉煤灰吸附混凝进行物化处理和SBR法生物处理洗涤剂废水。运行结果表明:在常温下,当处理车间废水初始COD为6 000~7 000 mg/L、LAS为600 ~ 650 mg/L时,物化处理COD和LAS去除率分别为76.4%和77.1%,其中粉煤灰、PAC的投加量对去除效果影响较大。然后通过SBR处理后,COD≤500 mg/L和LAS≤17 mg/L,总的去除效率分别达到92.4%和92.4%。出水水质达表面活性剂三级排放标准,可应用于高浓度洗涤剂废水处理。Abstract: Aiming at highly concentrated low biodegradability and highly load characteristics on the synthetic detergent wastewater, a method for treating it has been studied using fly ash adsorption and coagulation with pretreatment and then SBR processes treatment. The results showed that at normal temperature, the dosages of fly ash and PAC were the main influencing factors, and the pretreatment removal rates of COD and LAS could reach to 76.4% and 77.1%, respectively, when COD were 6 000~7 000 mg/L and LAS concentrations were 600~650 mg/L in the wastewater. The final effluent concentrations of COD and LAS were less than 500 mg/L and 17 mg/L after sequencing batch reactor (SBR) treatment, corresponding to the total removal rate could be up to over 92.4% and 97.3%, respectively. The effluent could meet the third degree of synthetic detergent wastewater required, and the process could be suitable for high-strength synthetic detergent wastewater.
Key words:
- fly ash /
- coagulation /
- SBR /
- LAS /
- high-strength synthetic detergent wastewater

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