A study of dyeing wastewater treatment technology in Changzhou textile park
摘要: 常州某纺织园印染废水厂,由于原有深度处理工艺中混凝沉淀与活性炭吸附运行费用高、产生的污泥量大等缺点,拟进行工艺改进,本研究采用改性磁粉/ClO2氧化协同深度处理代替原有深度处理工艺,连续运行结果表明,当电磁体装置中调节废水pH为4左右、磁粉投加量为10 g/L、ClO2投量为60 mL/L,先吸附20 min,然后ClO2氧化8 min,处理后的废水COD<20 mg/L,色度<30倍,低于江苏省地方标准太湖地区城镇污水处理厂及重点工业行业主要污染物排放限值的排放要求,且工艺经济合理。Abstract: This research is about a printing and dyeing wastewater treatment plant in Changzhou, which has some disadvantage, such as high operating cost of coagulation and sedimentation and activated carbon, large quantity of sludge, and so on. As a consequence, this advanced treatment process needs to be improved. Modified magnetic powder/ClO2 oxidation process is studied to replace the old advanced treatment process. The continuously results show that when pH is about 4, dosage of modified magnetic powder is 10 g/L, dosage of ClO2 is 60 mL/L, adsorption time is 20 min, and then oxidation time of using ClO2 is 8 min, the treated effluent COD<20 mg/L, color<30. The quality of effluent is lower than limits for dyeing wastewater of Jiangsu Taihu area sewage treatment plants, and the process is economic and reasonable.

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