20世纪90年代,海洋环境中发现大量塑料碎片,这些碎片能够缠绕海洋生物并被当作食物摄入[1],同时还可充当载体将其他环境污染物转运至生物体内[2]. 微塑料(microplastics,MPs)于2004年首先被Thompson等提出[3],通常指粒径小于5 mm的塑料碎片. 当前对微塑料的研究主要包括环境微塑料赋存特征,微塑料污染控制及降解技术,微塑料毒理与生态风险评估等内容. 早期关于微塑料的研究范围主要集中在水环境领域[4 − 6],近年来发现陆地环境中的微塑料暴露更为严重,可能是海洋环境的4—23倍[7 − 8],大气[9]微塑料的研究也逐渐展开,暴露研究逐渐由海洋生物转向陆地植物、动物乃至人类,微塑料生物暴露引发的生态与人类健康问题,特别是在组织器官损伤、氧化应激、炎症、神经毒性等方面成为研究热点. 基于“肠-脑轴”在生理过程中发挥的重要作用以及肠道菌群在其中扮演的重要角色,近年来微塑料暴露涉及“肠-脑轴”的相关研究也逐渐得到关注,然而目前关于这方面开展的系统研究较少. 本文综述了近年来国内外关于微塑料暴露对肠道菌群、神经毒性及有关机制的研究,为进一步深入探讨微塑料暴露对“肠道菌群-肠-脑轴”的潜在毒性影响与机制、寻找可能存在的生物标志物、保护生物预防或减轻微塑料暴露危害提供研究思路.
Research progress on toxicity and mechanism of gut microbiota-gut-brain axis induced by microplastics and nanoplastics exposure
摘要: 微塑料由于其自身粒径小、吸附性强、难降解等特点,不但在自然界广泛存在,而且可通过消化道、呼吸道、皮肤接触等途径使得生物长期暴露其污染之中,并通过食物链不断向上累积. 有研究发现,微塑料单独或与其他污染物联合暴露能够对机体产生如肠道菌群紊乱、神经行为毒性等不良影响. 肠道菌群在许多生理过程中发挥着重要作用,并可能通过“肠道菌群-肠-脑轴”与大脑进行双向交流,这一路径与许多神经、精神疾病的发生及发展相关. 目前关于微塑料对“肠道菌群-肠-脑轴”的毒性影响及作用机制的研究较少. 本文综述了近几年国内外关于微塑料毒性及“肠道菌群-肠-脑轴”的研究,为进一步探讨微塑料对肠道菌群及神经行为的毒性效应、研究潜在的毒性机制、寻找可能存在的生物标志物与防护措施、保障环境生态与人类健康提供研究思路.Abstract: Microplastics have the characteristics of small particle size, strong adsorption, difficulty in degradation, etc. Therefore, microplastics are not only widely present in nature, but also cause long-term pollution to organisms through pathways such as digestive tract, respiratory tract, and skin contact, and can continuously accumulate upwards through the food chain. Studies have found that exposure to microplastics alone or in combination with other pollutants can have adverse effects on the body, such as disruptions in gut microbiota and neurobehavioral toxicity. The gut microbiota plays an important role in many physiological processes and may engage in bi-directional communications with the brain through the microbiota-gut-brain axis(MGBA), which is associated with the occurrence and development of many neurological and psychiatric diseases. So far, few studies have examined the toxic effects and underlying mechanisms of microplastics on the MGBA. This review summarized the latest literature on the toxicity of microplastics and the MGBA, in order to stimulate new research ideas on 1) the toxic effects of microplastics on microbiota and neurobehavior, 2) the potential mechanisms underlying such effects, 3) identifying possible biomarkers and preventive measures, and 4) protecting the environment and human health.
Key words:
- microplastics /
- toxicity /
- gut microbiota-gut-brain axis /
- mechanisms.
表 1 微/纳米塑料暴露引起肠道菌群紊乱
Table 1. Disruption of intestinal flora caused by Micro/Nano-plastics
实验对象 微/纳米塑料暴露 菌群结构改变 文献 Research object Characteristics of MPs/NPs Change of microbial community References 中华绒螯蟹 PS(5 μm,40 mg·L−1,21 d) ↓ Firmicutes、Bacteroidetes
↑ Fusobacteria、Proteobacteria[64] 斑马鱼 PS(5 μm,0.05 、0.50 mg·L−1,21 d) ↓ Proteobacteria
↑ Fusobacteria[75] 斑马鱼 PS(8 μm,0.01、1 mg·L−1,21 d) ↓ Fusobacteria,Firmicutes、Verrucomicrobiota、Actinomycetes [70] ↑ Proteobacteria PS(80 nm,0.01、1 mg·L−1,21 d) ↓ Fusobacteria,Firmicutes、Verrucomicrobiota ↑ Proteobacteria、Actinomycetes 鲤鱼 PS(8 μm,0.08 mg·L−1,21 d) ↓ Lactococcus garvieae,Bacteroides_paurosaccharolyticus,Romboutsia_ilealis
↑ Plesiomonas shigelloides[65] 鲫鱼 PE(<848.37 μm,6.38、12.18、
22.33 mg·(MPs·fish·d)−1,30 d)↓ Fusobacteria,Bacteroidetes [67] ↑ Firmicutes 鲫鱼 PS-ROX (5 μm ,100 ug·L−1,28 d) ↓ Cetbacterium,Akkermansia [68] ↑ Gemmobacter,Bosea、Rhizobium、Shinella 昆明小鼠 PS(150 — 300 µm,4 mg·L−1,7 d) ↓ Alistipes
↑ Ruminococcaceae、Lachnospiraceae[63] PP(150 — 300 µm,4 mg·L−1,7 d) ↓ Bacteroidetes
↑ FirmicutesC57BL/6小鼠 PE(10 — 150 µm,6、60、
600 ug·L−1,5 w)↓ Bacteroidetes、Bacterodides Muribaculum、unidentified Clostridiales、Akkermansia
↑ Firmicutes、melainabacobacteria、Blautia、Desulfovibrio[76] ICR小鼠 PE(1 — 10 µm,0.002、
0.2 ug·(g·d)−1,15 d)↓ Firmicutes
↑ Bacteroides[77] ICR小鼠 PS(5 µm,100、 1000 µg·L−1,6 w)↓ Firmicutes、Proteobacteria、 Actinobacteria、Bacteroidetes
↑ Coprococcus、Anaeroplasma[78] 人群 PU、SR、ACR等25种塑料 ↓ Bacteroides、Ruminococcus、Dorea、Fusobacterium、Coprococcus
↑ Klebsiella、Helicobacter、Bifidobacterium、Streptococcus、Sphingomonas[74] 注:聚苯乙烯(polystyrene,PS),聚乙烯(polyethylene,PE),聚丙烯(polypropylene,PP),聚氨酯(polyurethane,PU),硅树脂(silicon resin,SR),丙烯酸树脂(acrylic resin,ACR),罗红霉素(Roxithromycin,ROX). ↑表示菌群相对丰度增加,↓表示菌群相对丰度减少. ↑indicates that the relative abundance of bacteria increases, and↓ indicates that the relative abundance of bacteria decreases. -
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