近海河流是陆地与海洋联系的重要纽带,是城市发展和生物多样性的基础,河流水质是体现城市发展水平和生态环境的重要指标[1-2]. 近年来,随着城市的快速发展,各种点源污染(工业污染、生活污染等)、面源污染(农业污染)及城市本身遗留的污染已经对河流水环境稳定及生物健康构成了威胁[3-4],大量N、P等污染物随着污水输入到河流中,超出河流的自净能力,引起水体富营养化,造成水体溶解氧降低、水体酸化、生物栖息地退化、有毒有害藻类大量繁殖[5-7]、生物多样性减少、水生生态系统的结构和功能发生异常等问题[8-9]. 水体富营养化是国际上共同关注的水环境问题[10],针对城市地表水开展调查研究,了解地表水污染现状,对城市水治理、修复等工作有着十分重要的意义.
三亚河由北向南贯穿三亚市,注入三亚港入海,对城市居民生活及旅游业的发展具有十分重要的意义. 2015年三亚市自然资源和规划局出台《三亚市中心城区水系综合规划》,提出改善三亚河水环境状况,然而三亚人口众多,城市废水的排放、土地利用的改变给三亚河水环境治理带来严峻的挑战. 2018—2019年,三亚河的水质为仍为Ⅲ、Ⅳ类,主要污染指标为氨氮[11].
Study on temporal and spatial distribution and eutrophication of nutrients in Sanya River
摘要: 为了解三亚河营养盐污染状况,于2018年6月—2019年5月对三亚河流域进行逐季调查,分析水体中氮磷营养盐的时空分布特征及影响因素,评估河流富营养化状况,并进一步估算三亚河营养盐入海通量. 结果表明,三亚河水体中营养盐浓度季节变化显著,三亚河水体中DIN的浓度范围为0.028—2.096 mg·L−1,平均浓度为(0.700±0.279)mg·L−1,冬季>秋季>夏季>春季,
${\rm{NO}}_3^{-} $ –N和${\rm{NH}}_4^{+} $ –N是水体中DIN的主要存在形式. DIP浓度范围为0.007—0.442 mg·L−1,平均浓度为(0.140±0.066)mg·L−1,夏季>春季>冬季>秋季. 空间分布上,N、P营养盐均呈现出上游及入海口河段浓度低,中下游河段浓度高的特点. 河段环境特征、人为活动、降雨、潮汐作用是影响三亚河营养盐分布的主要因素. 综合富营养盐指数(EI)结果显示,各季节三亚河上游及入海口河段均处于中富营养化状态,中下游河段均处于富营养化和重富营养化状态. 春、夏、秋季N/P值表明河流多处于N限制状态,冬季大部分河段适合藻类生存,有发生藻华的风险. 根据营养盐浓度和三亚河年平均径流量估算出,DIN、${\rm{NO}}_3^{-} $ –N、${\rm{NO}}_2^{-} $ –N、${\rm{NH}}_4^{+} $ –N、DIP年入海通量分别为118.37、70.93、11.18、38.67、23.75 t.Abstract: To understand the nutrient pollution status of Sanya River, a seasonal survey was conducted in the Sanya River basin from June 2018 to May 2019 to analyze the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics and influencing factors of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient salts in the water column. The state of eutrophication was evaluated, and further the flux of nutrients into the sea through Sanya River was estimated. The results show that the seasonal variation of nutrient concentration in Sanya River is significant. The concentrations of DIN ranged from 0.028 mg·L−1 to 2.096 mg·L−1, with an average concentration of(0.700±0.279) mg·L−1, with a sequential increase in spring, summer, autumn and winter${\rm{NO}}_3^{-} $ -N and NH4+-N are the main forms of DIN present in the water column. The concentrations of DIP ranged from 0.007 mg·L−1 to 0.442 mg·L−1, with an average concentration of(0.140±0.066)mg·L−1, with a sequential increase in autumn, winter, spring, and summer. The spatial distribution of N and P nutrients was similar, with low concentration in the upstream and estuaries and high concentrations in the middle and downstream. The environmental characteristics of river sections, anthropogenic activities, rainfall and tide are the main factors affecting the nutrient distribution in the Sanya River. The results of eutrophication index(EI)evaluation showed that the upper reaches and estuaries of Sanya River are moderately eutrophic in all seasons, while the middle and lower reaches are eutrophic and heavily eutrophic. The N/P in spring, summer and autumn indicate that most rivers are in nitrogen limitation, and most of the river were suitable for algal survival in winter, with the risk of algal blooms. Based on nutrient concentrations and the average annual runoff of Sanya River, it was estimated that the annual flux of DIN,${\rm{NO}}_3^{-} $ –N,${\rm{NO}}_2^{-} $ –N,${\rm{NH}}_4^{+} $ –N and DIP into the sea are 118.37, 70.93, 11.18, 38.67 and 23.75 t, respectively.-
Key words:
- sanya river /
- nutrients /
- spatio-temporal distribution /
- eutrophication.
表 1 水样中各营养盐要素的分析方法
Table 1. Analysis methods of nutrient elements in water samples
表 2 地表水富营养化状态等级划分
Table 2. The classification of surface water eutrophication status
Eutrophication degree贫营养
Extreme eutrophic等级 ≤20 20—39.42 39.42—61.29 61.29—76.28 76.28—99.77 表 3 2018—2019年四个季度三亚河营养盐氮、磷含量及理化参数的变化范围及平均值1)
Table 3. Variation range and average value of nitrogen and phosphorus contents and physicochemical parameters in Sanya River from 2018 to 2019
SeasonNH4+-N /(mg·L−1) NO3−-N/(mg·L−1) NO2−-N/ (mg·L−1) DIP/(mg·L−1) T/℃ S/‰ DO/(mg·L−1) 春季
Spring范围 0.014—0.448 0.007—0.830 0.001—0.197 0.007—0.391 24.5—31.3 0.06—32.81 2.69—8.42 均值±SD 0.186±0.109 0.216±0.162 0.073±0.052 0.156±0.120 27.1±0.9 14.63±11.0 5.16±1.43 夏季
Summer范围 0.026—0.434 0.006—1.212 0.002—0.104 0.008—0.442 15.8—32.0 0.05—31.56 0.96—8.38 均值±SD 0.209±0.093 0.364±0.133 0.043±0.024 0.180±0.072 25.7±0.7 7.13±7.91 5.02±1.62 秋季
Autumn范围 0.003—0.445 0.134—0.868 0.001—0.122 0.008—0.215 7.9—17.8 0.05-32.37 0.12—8.05 均值±SD 0.240±0.103 0.543±0.112 0.063±0.033 0.099±0.042 12.6±0.5 5.91±8.42 5.40±1.48 冬季
Winter范围 0.013—1.321 0.017—1.600 0.001—0.272 0.009—0.295 4.1—28.0 0.06—32.65 2.75—8.75 均值±SD 0.264±0.156 0.495±0.327 0.087±0.054 0.132±0.094 19.0±0.4 12.30±11.3 5.17±1.47 1) SD标准偏差. SD: Standard deviation. 表 4 三亚河与其他河流营养盐含量对比
Table 4. Comparison of nutrient content between Sanya River and other rivers
Basin –N/(mg·L−1)${\rm{NH}}_4^{+} $ –N/(mg·L−1)${\rm{NO}}_3^{-} $ –N/(mg·L−1)${\rm{NO}}_2^{-} $ DIP/(mg·L−1) 参考文献
Reference三亚河 0.229±0.104 0.420±0.171 0.066±0.038 0.140±0.066 本研究 珠江广州段 3.380 1.510 0.340 0.130 [26] 黄河 0.074 3.770 0.069 0.003 [27] 长江 0.010 1.148 0.020 0.038 [28] 万泉河 0.076 0.640 0.016 0.022 [29] 图尔河 1.380 0.620 0.056 0.110 [30] 石狩河 0.167 0.932 0.011 0.026 [31] 海河市区段 1.480 1.995 — — [32] 渭河咸阳段 2.43 — — — [33] 香溪河 0.061 0.740 — 0.060 [34] 斯兹雷尼亚瓦河 0.230 3.440 — 0.320 [35] 表 5 营养盐与环境因子的相关性分析1)
Table 5. Correlation analysis between nutrients and environmental factors
SeasonT S DO –N${\rm{NH}}_4^{+} $ –N${\rm{NO}}_3^{-} $ –N${\rm{NO}}_2^{-} $ DIN DIP 春季 T 1 S −0.226 1 DO −0.373 0.900** 1 –N${\rm{NH}}_4^{+} $ 0.285 −0.728* −0.768* 1 –N${\rm{NO}}_3^{-} $ 0.274 −0.144 −0.319 0.673* 1 –N${\rm{NO}}_2^{-} $ 0.556 −0.66 −0.679* 0.864** 0.735* 1 DIN 0.348 −0.446 −0.57 0.888** 0.933** 0.897** 1 DIP 0.472 −.866** −.767* 0.855** 0.383 0.865** 0.670* 1 夏季 T 1 S −0.635 1 DO −0.388 0.899** 1 –N${\rm{NH}}_4^{+} $ 0.488 −0.741* −.708* 1 –N${\rm{NO}}_3^{-} $ 0.191 −0.107 −0.232 0.166 1 –N${\rm{NO}}_2^{-} $ 0.193 −0.157 −0.355 0.599 0.65 1 DIN 0.373 −0.34 −0.439 0.579 0.887** 0.864** 1 DIP 0.39 −0.879** −0.939** 0.831** 0.296 0.438 0.544 1 秋季 T 1 S −0.437 1 DO −0.042 0.673 1 –N${\rm{NH}}_4^{+} $ 0.088 0.008 −0.048 1 –N${\rm{NO}}_3^{-} $ −0.265 −0.501 −0.575 −0.468 1 –N${\rm{NO}}_2^{-} $ −0.656 −0.246 −0.521 −0.097 0.779* 1 DIN −0.536 −0.163 −0.365 −0.067 0.782* 0.923** 1 DIP −0.469 −0.401 −0.692* 0.073 0.753* 0.942** 0.882** 1 冬季 T 1 S −0.571 1 DO −0.549 0.858** 1 –N${\rm{NH}}_4^{+} $ 0.424 −0.591 −0.472 1 –N${\rm{NO}}_3^{-} $ −0.411 −0.065 −0.161 0.221 1 –N${\rm{NO}}_2^{-} $ 0.06 −0.512 −0.584 0.495 0.842** 1 DIN −0.144 −0.331 −0.365 0.595 0.914** 0.919** 1 DIP 0.271 −0.929** −0.792* 0.602 0.247 0.57 0.481 1 1) *表示P<0.05,**表示P<0.01 -
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