Research progress on the characterization and modification of nanoscale zero-valent iron for applications
摘要: 纳米零价铁(nanoscale zero-valent iron,nZVI)因其在地下水处理和土壤修复中具有应用前景一直广受关注.但在实际应用中,纳米零价铁nZVI依旧存在颗粒易团聚、传输能力弱和污染物难以选择性去除等方面的问题.为突破这些应用瓶颈,目前已开展了大量nZVI改性工作,并对污染物去除机理进行了深入研究.相关研究很大程度上解决了目前nZVI在环境应用中存在的缺陷,大幅提升了nZVI的环境修复效率.本文归纳了近年来nZVI颗粒在机理研究和性能优化中涉及的表征方法,详细介绍了nZVI表面改性技术(金属掺杂、表面涂层、乳化和负载等)及其优势.同时,展望了nZVI在实际应用中面临的科学挑战与发展机遇,其有助于学者们对nZVI的相关应用有更深的理解,有望为nZVI等环境纳米材料实际应用提供相关借鉴.Abstract: Nanoscale zero-valent iron(nZVI) has received considerable attention due to its potential applications in groundwater treatment and site remediation. The current field application of nZVI is constrained by the problems of agglomeration of particles, poor transmission efficiency, and low selectivity of pollutants. Considering the above-mentioned bottlenecks, the research on surface modification is expected to improve the dispersibility, mechanical strength and reactivity of nZVI, thus greatly improving the environmental remediation efficiency. This article reviews the recent research progress of nZVI characterization methods to accurately reveal the mechanisms on its interaction with pollutants, and summarizes the nZVI surface modification technologies (including metal doping, surface coating, emulsification and supporting). Furthermore, the scientific challenges and future development opportunities of nZVI in practical application are also prospected.
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