Analysis and pollution evaluation of odorous components in ambient air of transfer station of municipal solid waste
摘要: 为研究垃圾转运站环境空气中恶臭成分组成特征,并对其进行污染评价,本文以北京市某一大型生活垃圾转运站为例,通过采集不同季节的环境空气样品,分别采用动态固相微萃取-气相色谱法、高效液相色谱法和冷阱富集-气质联用(GC/MS)技术对样品进行成分分析.在所采集的环境空气样品中,恶臭物质的浓度范围是383.6-2676.4 μg·m-3.检测到的恶臭物质共有41种,可分为8类:芳香烃、烷烃、烯烃、硫化物、羰基类、醇类、酯类、挥发性脂肪酸.从检出频次及检出浓度分析,芳香烃中主要的恶臭物质为苯、甲苯和间/对二甲苯;烷烃中主要的恶臭物质为2-甲基丁烷、丙烷和戊烷;烯烃中主要的恶臭物质为柠檬烯;硫化物中主要的恶臭物质为硫化氢和二甲二硫醚;醇类主要是乙醇;酯类主要是乙酸乙酯;羰基类中主要的恶臭物质为丁醛和2-丁酮;挥发性脂肪酸中主要的恶臭物质为乙酸和丙酸.同时本研究还发现,恶臭物质的总浓度和理论臭气浓度随季节变化较为明显,两者在夏季的数值分别为2273.8 μg·m-3和132.1,明显高于其他季节,这主要是由于温度是影响恶臭物质产生的关键因素.采用综合评分法对恶臭物质进行打分,排在前10位的恶臭物质是:硫化氢、丁醛、二甲二硫醚、乙酸、丙酸、甲苯、苯乙烯、间/对-二甲苯、柠檬烯和乙酸丁酯,可将这10种恶臭物质作为该垃圾转运站环境空气中的典型恶臭物质.Abstract: To investigate characteristics and pollution levels of odorous substances, ambient air samples of different seasons from a large municipal solid waste transfer station in Beijing were collected. The constituents of the air samples were analyzed by dynamic solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography, and cold enrichment-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The concentration of detected odorous substances ranged from 383.6 μg·m-3 to 2676.4 μg·m-3 in collected ambient air samples. Forty-one chemicals were detected, which were divided into the following eight categories:aromatic hydrocarbons, alkanes, olefins, sulfides, carbonyls, alcohols, esters, and volatile fatty acids. Based on the detection frequencies and concentrations, the main odorous substances in each category were given, such as, aromatic hydrocarbons:benzene, toluene, and m-paraxylene; alkanes:2-methyl-butane, propane, and pentane; olefins:limonene; sulfides:hydrogen sulfide and dimethyl disulfide; alcohols:ethanol; esters:ethyl acetate; carbonyls:butyraldehyde and 2-butanone; volatile fatty acids:acetic acid and propionic acid. In addition, the total and theoretical concentrations of odorous substances at different sampling times showed obvious seasonal variations, with the highest values of 2273.8 μg·m-3 and 132.1 found in summer, respectively. Therefore, temperature was a key factor affecting the release of odorous substances. Using a comprehensive scoring method to evaluate their effect on the pollution levels, the top ten odorous substances were hydrogen sulfide, butyl aldehyde, dimethyl disulfide, acetic acid, propionic acid, toluene, styrene, m/p-dimethylbenzene, limonene, and butyl acetate. These ten substances could be used as typical odorous substances found in ambient air of municipal solid waste transfer stations.
Key words:
- municipal solid waste transfer station /
- ambient air /
- odor /
- component analysis /
- pollution evaluation
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