Research Advances on Anaerobic Microbial Degradation of Typical Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs)
摘要: 药物与个人护理品(pharmaceuticals and personal care products, PPCPs)的污染和环境归趋问题备受关注。其中厌氧降解转化作为疏水性PPCPs在自然环境介质中的主要消解方式尤为重要。本文以典型PPCPs为例,分析了城市污水处理厌氧工艺对PPCPs的去除情况,主要包括污泥吸附和厌氧生物转化;总结了化学结构、微生物、碳源和氧化还原电位等多种因素对PPCPs厌氧降解转化效率的影响,其中氧化还原电位发挥重要作用,因其与氧化还原酶密切相关;同时,重点归纳了磺胺甲噁唑、苯并三唑和三氯生等3种典型PPCPs在不同氧化还原电位下的厌氧降解转化途径,并对PPCPs厌氧微生物降解的未来研究重点和发展方向进行展望:(1)强化PPCPs的有机质-厌氧微生物共代谢降解机制研究;(2)聚焦PPCPs厌氧降解菌群筛选及其功能研究;(3)深入开展厌氧降解菌群培养体系构建和原位厌氧降解研究。本研究相关结果有望为PPCPs的污染防治提供科学依据。Abstract: The contamination and environmental fate of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) have raised great concerns. Anaerobic degradation and transformation as the main natural reduction for hydrophobic PPCPs in environment is particularly important. Here we reviewed the anaerobic removal fate of typical PPCPs in the municipal wastewater treatment plants, mainly including sludge adsorption and anaerobic biodegradation. Subsequently, the effects of chemical structure, microorganisms, carbon source, and redox potential on the anaerobic degradation and transformation efficiency of PPCPs were summarized, of which redox potential played an important role due to its special relationship with redox enzymes. Then, we focused on the anaerobic degradation and transformation pathways of three typical PPCPs (sulfamethoxazole, benzotriazole and triclosan) under different redox potential conditions. Finally, we presented the forward research challenges and proposed the future research priorities in PPCPs anaerobic biodegradation: (1) Exploring the anaerobic co-metabolism mechanisms of PPCPs; (2) Focusing on the isolation of PPCPs anaerobic degradation bacteria and the associated function analysis; (3) Investigating the construction of anaerobic degradation bacteria culture system and in-situ anaerobic degradation of PPCPs. This systematic review provides scientific basis for the management and control of PPCPs contamination.
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