Degradation Kinetics of Penicillin G Potassium in a Vegetable Soil System with Compost Application
摘要: 为确定青霉素G钾(penicillin G potassium,PG)在土壤中的半衰期和降解动力学,选择灭菌与未灭菌、施肥与未施肥蔬菜地土壤作为基质,研究了PG在不同基质中的降解曲线,并拟合了降解动力学方程。结果表明,PG在蔬菜地土壤中的半衰期为1.61~1.67 d,最终降解率均达到99.7%以上,但PG不会完全降解,仍会以较低的水平(21~73 μ g·kg-1)在土壤中长期存在。降解动力学方程拟合结果表明,PG的初始浓度会对降解速率产生影响,初始浓度越高,降解速率越快。在灭菌与未灭菌土壤中降解曲线显示其降解过程受生物和非生物作用共同影响,但添加有机肥的降解过程和未添加组没有显著差异。由于PG在土壤中不能被完全降解,从而增加了诱导抗性基因产生及转移的风险。Abstract: In order to determine the half-life and degradation kinetics of penicillin G potassium in soil, the degradation curves and the degradation kinetics of penicillin G potassium were studied by using sterilized and non-sterilized, compost and compost-free vegetable soils as substrates. The results showed that the half-life of penicillin G potassium was 1.61~1.67 d. The penicillin G potassium was degraded by 99.7%, but the lower level of the antibiotic (21~73 μg·kg-1) in soils could still exist for a long time. The degradation kinetics equation showed that the degradation rate was affected by initial concentration of penicillin G potassium and the degradation rates became faster along with the initial concentration increase. The degradation curves of sterilized and non-sterilized soils showed that the degradation process was affected by both biological and abiotic factors. There was no significant difference between the degradation process in organic fertilizer and that in non-sterilized soils. The risk of inducing and transferring resistance genes could increase due to the incomplete degradation of penicillin G potassium.
Key words:
- penicillin G potassium /
- vegetable soil /
- degradation kinetic /
- compost
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