地下阻隔墙是治理地下水污染的有效手段,被广泛应用于污染场地治理[1-3]。墙体材料按其性质可分为刚性材料和柔性材料。国内外采用的刚性材料主要有固化粉煤灰[4]以及水泥搅拌桩墙[5]等材料;柔性材料多采用土-膨润土[1, 6]、水泥-膨润土[7-8]及塑性混凝土[9-10]等材料。土-膨润土阻隔材料与多种污染物有较好的相容性、成本低且渗透性较低同时具有一定的重金属吸附能力[11],席永慧[12]通过试验得出膨润土对Pb2+的吸附能力是一般粉质粘土的2.0~2.5倍。
针对土体在不同重金属渗液工况下的渗透性能,国内外学者试验研究了铅[13-15]、镉[16]、锌[17]等重金属离子对土体渗透性的影响。范日东等[15]试验得出受污染后的土-膨润土渗透系数较之未受铅污染时会增大2~15倍。粉末状活性炭是一种稳定性好且具有大比表面积与多孔特性的吸附材料,钱琪所等[18]在母土中掺入活性炭使材料对Cd2+的最大吸附量提高了25%,MALUSIS et al[19]试验得出低掺量的活性炭会降低土-膨润土单元体的渗透系数并提高材料吸附能力。
Research on barrier performance of activated carbon - soil - bentonite composite
摘要: 以粉质粘土(SC)作为母土,通过柔性壁渗透试验和静平衡吸附试验分别研究了不同配比的土-膨润土(SB)及活性炭-土-膨润土(ASB)在不同渗滤液工况下的渗透性能及吸附性能。试验结果表明,将Pb(NO3)2溶液作为渗液,单元体渗透性能随Pb2+浓度增大而逐渐增强,且渗液浓度相同时SB渗透系数随膨润土掺量增加呈大幅降低后趋于平稳趋势。膨润土和活性炭的掺入可有效增强材料的吸附性能,随渗液浓度的增加,SC、SB及ASB对Pb2+的吸附容量变大,且ASB较SC及SB吸附容量差值逐渐变大。综合防渗及地下水质量标准提出了满足修复重金属污染场地阻隔材料的基准配比,研究结果可为重金属污染场地的修复与治理提供参考。Abstract: Silty clay (SC) was used as the base soil, and the hydraulic conductivity and adsorption properties of soil-bentonite (SB) and activated carbon soil-bentonite (ASB) with different ratios under different leachate conditions were studied by flexible wall hydraulic conductivity test and static equilibrium adsorption test. The results show that when Pb(NO3)2 solution is used as the percolate, the hydraulic conductivity of the unit increases gradually with the increase of Pb2+ concentration, and the hydraulic conductivity of SB decreases greatly with the increase of bentonite content, and then tends to be stable. The incorporation of bentonite and activated carbon can effectively enhance the adsorption performance of the material. With the increase of the concentration of the percolate, the adsorption capacity of SC, SB and ASB for Pb2+ increases, and the difference of adsorption capacity gradually increases. According to the comprehensive impervious performance and groundwater quality standard, the benchmark ratio of barrier materials to meet the remediation of heavy metal contaminated sites is proposed. The research results can provide reference for the remediation and treatment of heavy metal contaminated sites.
Key words:
- cutoff walls /
- soil-bentonite /
- activated carbon /
- hydraulic conductivity /
- adsorption /
- standard ratio
表 1 试验用粉质粘土基本物理性质
Table 1. Basic physical properties of silty clay
g·cm−3土粒比重(Gs) 液性指数 塑性指数 垂直渗透
系数/cm·s−128.3 1.85 2.66 0.89 12.0 5.84E-07 表 2 钠基膨润土基本物理性质
Table 2. Basic physical properties of sodium bentonite
%pH 土粒比重
meq·100g−1234 10.52 2.87 25.0 193.7 62.84 表 3 钠基膨润土矿物成分
Table 3. Mineral composition of sodium bentonite
% 矿物成分 比例 贝得石 46.4 石英 20.0 透长石 8.8 方解石 8.6 钠长石 7.7 其他 8.5 表 4 活性炭基本参数
Table 4. Basic parameters of activated carbon
粒径/μm pH 水分/% 灰分/% 比表面积/m2·g−1 碘值/mg·g−1 74 8.2 4.9 5.2 978 956 -
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