固定化生物膜技术是一种将微生物固定在一定载体上,通过增加单位水体生物量的方式,提高功能菌对污染物的降解效能的技术。该技术已被广泛应用于河湖水体的水质净化工程。WEN等[7]以玉米芯、麦秆和花生壳等为代表的生物质碳源作为固定化载体,形成的生物膜能释放有机物和氮磷等基质,促进微生物在其表面附着生长,但生物质碳源中有机物的释放速率呈现先快后慢的特点,不利于水体水质的长效治理[8];NI等[9]在纤维生物滤池 (Fiber Biofilter) 中将聚合物填料作为微生物的固定化载体,并将形成的生物膜用于水产养殖中将有机物降解,以及将氨氮转化为硝酸盐;TABASSUM等[10]以粉末状活性炭和水性聚氨酯凝胶包裹的硝化细菌作为固定化载体 (Mass Bio System) ,形成生物膜被用于快速提升水体硝化活性。
Study on the microbial reaction mechanism of bio-wax technology in purifying water bodies in Jiangnan gardens
摘要: 生物蜡是一种新型固定化生物膜技术,其能够通过富集水体土著微生物,有效提高水体自净能力。系统地考察了生物蜡对典型江南园林水体春夏季水质的净化效能。结果表明,每100 m2水面投放1块生物蜡,能够使水体在春夏季的COD、氨氮、总氮、总磷和叶绿素a均值分别降低24.12 %、42.11 %、47.25 %、23.53 %和17.90 %,透明度提高24.39 %,COD、总氮、氨氮和总磷的Ⅳ类水达标率分别提高154.55 %、71.43 %、11.11%和93.75 %。通过采用高通量测序和功能基因预测技术对水体净化的微生物反应机制进行分析,发现生物蜡表面生物膜中约82.4%的OTU来自于水体和沉积物中的土著微生物,尽管生物膜的微生物丰度和多样性指数均低于沉积物,但具备有机物和氮素降解能力的变形菌门 (Proteobacteria,相对丰度69.36 %) 占据主导地位,并形成了复杂的微生物共现网络,增强了光能自养、化能异养和亚硝酸盐去除等代谢功能。该研究结果表明,生物蜡技术为土著功能菌群的选择性富集提供了良好载体,在园林水体原位净化领域具有广阔的应用前景。Abstract: Bio-wax is a novel immobilized biofilm technology, which can effectively improve the self-purification ability of water bodies by enriching indigenous microorganisms. This study systematically investigated the purification effect of bio-wax on spring and summer water quality in typical Jiangnan garden water bodies. The results showed that adding one piece of bio-wax in 100 m2 water surface area can reduce the mean concentration of COD, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and chlorophyll a by 24.12 %,42.11 %, 47.25 %, and 17.90 %, respectively. It can also increase the transparency of water body by 24.39 % and increase the Class IV water compliance rate of COD, total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus by 154.55 %, 71.43 %, 11.11% and 93.75 %, respectively. By using high-throughput sequencing and functional gene prediction techniques, this study found that about 82.4 % OTUs in the surface biofilm of the bio-wax were derived from indigenous microorganisms in water bodies and sediments. It is also found that although the microbial abundance and diversity indices of the biofilm were lower than those of the sediments, Proteobacteria (relative abundance 69.36 %), which have the ability of organic matter and nitrogen degradation, dominated the biofilm, and formed a complex microbial co-occurrence network with significantly enhanced metabolic functions of photoenergetic autotrophs, chemoenergetic heterotrophs, and nitrate nitrogen respiration. In conclusion, the bio-wax technology provides a good carrier for the selective enrichment of indigenous functional flora, and has a broad application prospect in the field of in situ purification of garden water.
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