水库是淡水生态系统的重要组成部分,在供水、发电、航运和水资源利用等方面发挥着重要作用[1]。据统计,我国人工水库由1980年的86 822座增加到2020年的98 566座,对于保障城市生活饮用水安全起到越来越重要的作用。近年来,随着点源污染逐步得到有效治理和控制,面源污染逐渐成为水库水环境的主要污染类型,成为水库安全运营和经济发展所必须面对的关键“瓶颈”。其中人类活动引起的淡水系统中氮含量的增加往往比磷素更甚[2],因此深度净化由流域面源进入水库的氮污染迫在眉睫。
千岛湖又名新安江水库,是我国华东地区最大的人工淡水水体,属于典型的深水山谷型水库,营养盐达标问题长期困扰着水库的环境治理[13-14]。水库治理工作困难重重,一方面较高的水深致使自然植被难以生长来净化水质,另一方面土地资源紧张,缺乏湿地净化空间。此外,水体碳浓度较低,湖体反硝化自净能力较弱。已有研究证实在千岛湖构建生态浮床是氮磷削减的一种可行技术,后期可通过刈割带走湖体中的氮磷[15]。并且,多项研究指出植物刈割对于低营养盐浓度系统的重要性[11, 16, 17]。然而目前多集中于探讨刈割对于人工湿地中植物净化高浓度废水效果的影响,缺乏对于较清洁型水体中生态浮床植物具体刈割管理措施的研究。
水芹 (Oenanthe javanica) 属伞形科多年生挺水植物,在我国中南部地区广泛分布,适应性强,生长迅速,具有发达的通气组织,须根繁茂。赵慧君等[18]发现水芹对N、P的吸收积累能力很强,甚至高于凤眼莲,是浮床植物修复的优良品种。绿色狐尾藻 (Myriophyllum aquaticum) 系多年生沉水或浮水植物,资源化利用潜力高,养分吸收能力强。常见的净水植物普遍存在生长周期短等缺陷,而绿色狐尾藻在南亚热带地区可全年生长,针对富营养化水体的修复具有天然优势[19]。本研究以水芹和绿色狐尾藻这两种不同类型的典型植物构建模拟生态浮床,对其采取刈割和未刈割处理,来揭示刈割对千岛湖浮床植物生长及氮素去除机制的影响,以期为水库中生态浮床的应用及管理提供参考。
Influence of mowing on the growth and nitrogen purification efficiency of ecological floating bed plants in Qiandao Lake
摘要: 生态浮床是一种净化水体氮磷污染的高效人工强化技术,刈割是生态浮床管理的重要措施。为探究深水水库中刈割管理对生态浮床植物生长及氮素去除效率的影响,以华东地区最大深水水库千岛湖为例,选取沉水植物绿色狐尾藻 (Myriophyllum aquaticum) 和挺水植物水芹 (Oenanthe javanica) 为研究对象,分别对2种植物进行刈割和未刈割处理,构建生态浮床系统,进行水质净化培养实验。结果表明:刈割处理对水芹和绿色狐尾藻生长的影响不同,刈割后水芹相对增长率加快,经25 d生长干重翻了约一倍,未刈割水芹后期观察到部分叶片凋零、株高降低;绿色狐尾藻刈割后干重无明显增加,水下部分萎缩,在此状态和水质背景下很难恢复;刈割处理能明显促进水芹水上部分茎叶对氮素的吸收,占比从13.85%提升至25.37%;绿狐尾藻茎秆的刈割会影响水下根系的正常生长,整体降低氮素去除效率;浮床植物的种植明显增强了水体反硝化脱氮能力,水体溶解性氮气增量 (△[N2]) 较对照高3.52~6.98 μmol·L−1。但刈割对于植物根系反硝化速率存在负面影响,刈割后水芹和绿狐尾藻水体△[N2]分别降低约13.74%和21.77%。以上结果表明,生态浮床系统对深水水库水体具有良好的脱氮效果,但针对不同的植物应采取不同的管理方式,选用水芹作为浮床植物时应进行及时刈割,促进植物生长对氮素的吸收;而刈割对绿色狐尾藻可能是一种不可逆的伤害,建议在生长期结束时进行整株收获,中途不宜收割。该研究结果可为深水水库生态浮床的科学应用和管理提供参考。Abstract: Ecological floating bed is a high-efficiency artificial enhancement technology to purify nitrogen and phosphorus pollution in water column, while mowing is the key measure for the management. In order to investigate the influence of mowing management on the growth and nitrogen removal efficiency of ecological floating bed plants in deep-water reservoirs, Qiandao Lake was taken as an example. Submerged plant Myriophyllum aquaticum (M. aquaticum) and emerging plant Oenanthe javanica (O. javanica) were selected as the reserach objects, and the two plants were treated with and without mowing treatment respectively. The ecological floating bed system was constructed and the water purification culture experiment was carried out. The results showed that mowing treatment had different impacts on the growth of M. aquaticum and O. javanica. The relative growth rate of O. javanica accelerated after mowing, and the dry weight doubled after 25 days. Partial leaf withering and plant height reduction were observed in the late stage of uncut O. javanica without mowing. The dry weight increase of M. aquaticum was not obvious after mowing, and the submerged part shrunk, which was difficult to recover in this state and water quality background. Mowing treatment significantly promoted the uptake of nitrogen by the water portion of the stems of O. javanica, from 13.85% to 25.37%, while that of M. aquaticum affected the normal growth of the submerged root system and reduced the overall nitrogen removal efficiency. Planting of floating bed plants significantly enhanced the denitrification and nitrogen removal capacity, and the increment of dissolved nitrogen in the water body (△[N2]) was 3.52~6.98 μmol·L−1 higher than that of the control. However,mowing negatively affected the denitrification rate of the plant root system, and the △[N2] of O. javanica and M. aquaticum decreased by about 13.74% and 21.77% respectively after mowing. This study showed that the ecological floating bed system had good denitrification effect on deep-water reservoirs, but different management methods should be adopted for different plants, and watercress should be harvested in time to promote plant growth for nitrogen uptake. When O. javanica was chosen as a floating bed plant, timely harvesting management should be carried out to promote nitrogen uptake by plant growth. While mowing may be an irreversible damage to M. aquaticum, so it was recommended to harvest the whole plant at the end of the growth period, and should not be harvested midway. The results of the study can provide scientific support for the scientific application and management of ecological floating beds in deep-water reservoirs.
Key words:
- ecological floating bed /
- mowing /
- denitrification /
- Qiandao Lake
表 1 两个周期初始水质指标
Table 1. Initial water quality indicators of two cycles
周期 水温/ ℃ DO/(mg·L−1) pH SPC TN/(mg·L−1) TP/(mg·L−1) DOC/(mg·L−1) 第一周期 19.9 12.3 10.5 125.1 1.82 0.07 2.4 第二周期 20.0 12.4 9.8 123.4 1.87 0.06 2.4 表 2 单株植物生长情况
Table 2. The growth paremeters of single plant
植物种类 株高/cm 干重/g 初始 结束 P值 初始 结束 P值 未刈割狐尾藻 35.32±3.89 47.43±6.10 <0.01 0.68±0.17 1.54±0.19 <0.05 刈割狐尾藻 13.02±2.10 16.33±3.58 <0.01 0.32±0.02 0.41±0.02 >0.05 未刈割水芹 44.12±5.72 40.59±6.87 <0.05 1.55±0.04 2.72±0.18 <0.01 刈割水芹 13.47±1.27 16.45±3.11 <0.01 0.81±0.10 1.60±0.15 <0.01 表 3 不同处理TN净去除效率
Table 3. Net TN removal efficiency of different treatments
mg·(m2·d)−1 植物种类 第一周期 第二周期 均值 未刈割狐尾藻 4.37±0.98b 10.95±2.37b 7.66±3.95b 刈割狐尾藻 5.35±0.29b 8.28±2.10b 6.81±2.20b 未刈割水芹 27.13±1.21a 27.24±5.43a 27.19±3.52a 刈割水芹 26.27±2.59a 27.66±2.22a 26.97±2.29a 注:各列字母表示统计分析上的显著性,相同字母表示不显著,不同字母表示在P=0.05水平上显著。 表 4 氮净化途径计算
Table 4. Nitrogen purification pathway calculation
mg 植物种类 系统TN去除量 植物同化作用 反硝化及其他作用 总吸收量 水上部分吸收量 未刈割狐尾藻 246.56±9.12b 23.23±10.46b 18.12±10.57c 223.33±18.55a 刈割狐尾藻 242.78±4.72b 12.30±5.53b 16.43±3.58c 230.48±7.43a 未刈割水芹 410.25±30.37a 199.16±21.66a 56.80±19.23b 199.40±31.82a 刈割水芹 409.03±16.22a 215.81±13.42a 103.77±9.44a 193.21±10.84a 注:各列字母表示统计分析上的显著性,相同字母表示不显著,不同字母表示在P=0.05水平上显著。 表 5 不同脱氮途径的贡献率
Table 5. Contribution of different nitrogen removal pathways
植物种类 植物同化作用 反硝化及其他作用 总吸收占比 水上部分占比 未刈割狐尾藻 9.42% 7.35% 90.49% 刈割狐尾藻 5.07% 6.77% 94.93% 未刈割水芹 48.54% 13.85% 49.92% 刈割水芹 52.76% 25.37% 47.25% -
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