可挥发性有机化合物(volatile organic compounds, VOCs)是大气污染物中一大类[1-3]。浓度较高的VOCs气体会刺激人的眼睛、鼻子或咽喉等,导致干咳头晕、恶心疲劳等症状。长期生活在受VOCs污染的环境中,人体的神经系统会被损害,并诱发癌症,故VOCs的治理刻不容缓[4-6]。
低温等离子体(non-thermal plasma, NTP)技术是一种新型VOCs处理技术,相较于传统VOCs处理技术,具有适用性广、响应快速等特点,因而受到广泛关注[9-11]。在众多产生NTP的放电形式中,介质阻挡放电(dielectric barrier discharge, DBD)因其结构简单、可通过改变放电参数调控等离子体能量密度,且能处理较大流量气体等优势而被广泛研究。王保伟等[12]通过研究放电间距对单介质阻挡放电(single dielectric barrier discharge, SDBD) 等离子体降解甲苯的影响,发现随放电间距的增大,甲苯转化率和CO2选择性呈先增后降趋势。ZHAO等[13]使用双介质阻挡放电(double dielectric barrier discharge, DDBD)等离子体降解多种芳烃、烷烃、酮和酯类VOCs,发现电离能是影响所有VOCs降解效率的重要参数,电离能越大,降解效率越低。相较于SDBD放电腔,DDBD放电腔可很好地保护放电电极不受工作气体污染。
为进一步优化NTP技术,提升VOCs转化率,并降低NTP降解VOCs过程中产生的臭氧与有机副产物产量,催化剂协同技术被越来越多应用于NTP降解VOCs的体系中[10-11, 14-17]。在众多研究中,对催化剂性能的表征大多使用单种VOCs进行。然而,实际情况下待处理的VOCs组分复杂,催化剂在多组分VOCs的处理中的表现还鲜有报道。
Catalytic selectivity of catalyst in the degradation of mixed VOCs by dielectric barrier discharge plasma
摘要: 为考察混合气体中各组分对VOCs降解的影响,以及催化剂在协同低温等离子体降解多组分VOCs气体中的表现,选取甲苯、丙酮及乙酸乙酯组成混合VOCs进行低温等离子体降解,进而研究混合降解方式对混合VOCs气体各组分降解效果的影响。先制备了Mn2O3/γ-Al2O3催化剂,采用催化剂后置方式研究催化剂在协同低温等离子体降解多组分混合VOCs气体过程中的表现。结果表明:多组分混合VOCs降解时,甲苯和乙酸乙酯的降解率相较单独降解时都有所提升,当特定输入能量(SIE)为700 J∙L−1时,提升率分别为69.1%和12.64%,而丙酮的降解率相较单独降解时却发生了明显下降,下降了40.74%;多组分混合VOCs降解时的臭氧产量相较3种VOCs单独降解时均有微弱下降;多组分混合VOCs相较单种VOCs降解时的碳平衡均略有下降;在协同低温等离子体降解多组分VOCs气体过程中,Mn2O3/γ-Al2O3催化剂对混合VOCs中甲苯、乙酸乙酯及丙酮降解率有明显提升,且随VOCs降解难度的上升而更加明显,并使得各条件下VOCs降解的碳平衡均得到了提升。本研究结果可为低温等离子体降解VOCs的实际应用提供参考。Abstract: At present, there are few studies on the catalytic degradation of multi-component VOCs. The effect of gas component mixing on the degradation of each component is still unclear. The performance of the catalyst in the synergistic degradation of multi-component VOCs by non-thermal plasma also needs to be further studied. In this paper, the mixed VOCs composed of toluene, acetone and ethyl acetate were degraded by non-thermal plasma to investigate the degradation of each component in multi-component VOCs. Mn2O3/γ-Al2O3 catalyst was prepared, and the post catalyst method was applied to study the performance of the catalyst in the process of synergistic non-thermal plasma degradation of multi-component VOCs. The results showed that: 1) compared with single VOCs, the degradation rates of toluene and ethyl acetate in the degradation of mixed VOCs were higher than those in the degradation of pure toluene or ethyl acetate. When SIE was 700 J∙L−1, the enhancement rates were 69.1% and 12.64% respectively, while the degradation rate of acetone decreased significantly by 40.74%; 2) Compared with the degradation of three VOCs alone, the ozone production of mixed VOCs’ degradation decreased slightly; 3) Compared with single VOCs, the carbon balance of mixed VOCs’ degradation decreased slightly as well; 4) In the process of synergistic non-thermal plasma degradation of multi-component VOCs by Mn2O3/γ-Al2O3 catalyst, the improvement rate of degradation rate of toluene, ethyl acetate and acetone by catalyst in mixed VOCs increased with the increase of degradation difficulty of VOCs. The carbon balance of VOCs degradation under various conditions was improved by catalyst.
表 1 在SIE为700 J ∙ L−1时,各VOCs的降解率及其提升率
Table 1. Degradation rate and improvement rate of VOCs at SIE of 700 J ∙ L−1
指标 甲苯 乙酸乙酯 丙酮 单独 混合 单独 混合 单独 混合 无催化时的降解率 61% 84.7% 59.6% 67.1% 50.1% 31.1% 有催化时的降解率 72.6% 91.1% 70.2% 79.1% 58.4% 45.3% 提升率 19% 7.5% 17.9% 18% 16.7% 45.8% 表 2 O3分子的马利肯电荷
Table 2. Maliken charge of O3 molecule
原子种类 吸附前/e 吸附后/e O1 4.94 5.97 O2 4.94 6.09 O3 4.94 6.03 -
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