污水量总变化系数大小与设计规模(Q)呈负相关[3],农村生活污水处理设施的设计规模较小(一般≤432 m3·d−1),故农村污水量总变化系数较大。现行城镇污水处理规范中并未给出适用于农村小规模污水处理设施的变化系数取用的指导。同时,由于中外农村经济发展和生活习惯存在较大的差距,在此领域亦无适合的国外经验可供参考。因此,确定我国农村居民生活污水量总变化系数已成为农村居民污水处理设施设计和运行维护的难点之一。本研究拟对现有国家和行业给水排水规范中关于污水量总变化系数的资料进行分析和总结;并根据北京市已建成的农村居民污水处理站水量监测数据,通过统计分析以获得农村居民生活污水量总变化系数。本研究结果可为制定农村居民生活污水处理设施的设计、建设与运行维护中确定污水量总变化系数提供参考。
Estimation and significance of the peak variation factor of rural domestic sewage quantity in China
摘要: 我国农村居民生活污水量的变化很大,但目前尚无研究者提出适合实际的农村居民生活污水量总变化系数,这为农村居民生活污水处理工程的设计和运行维护带来了很大困难和局限性。对我国农村居民生活污水量总变化系数获取方法进行了探讨,并对现行给水排水设计规范中污水量总变化系数进行了分析总结。结果发现,在现有相关排水设计规范中均采用直接给出综合生活污水量总变化系数的方法;同时,现有相关给水设计规范中亦均采用直接给出供水日变化系数和时变化系数的方法。但是,由现行规范中获得的污水量总变化系数均不适用于农村居民污水处理工程(Q≥432 m3·d−1)的设计和运行维护。因此,根据北京农村居民生活污水量变化实测资料,通过统计分析,总结出了企业用水量比例低或无企业用水和全日供水情况下的农村生活污水量总变化系数(Kz)与工程规模(Q)的经验关系,并给出污水量在1~432 m3·d−1下的总变化系数的经验取值表格。本研究结果可为农村居民生活污水处理工程设计及运行维护提供参考。Abstract: There is a great change in the rural domestic sewage quantity in China. At present, no suitable peak variation factor for the rural domestic sewage quantity has been put forward by the researchers, which has brought significant difficulties and limitations in the design, operation and maintenance of rural sewage treatment projects. In this study, the acquisition approach of the peak variation factor for rural domestic sewage quantity in China was discussed, and the peak variation factor of domestic sewage quantity in the current drainage design code was also analyzed and summarized. The results showed that the peak variation factor of sewage quantity was directly provided in the current drainage design code, and the daily and hourly variation coefficients of water supply are also provided directly. However, the peak variation factors of sewage quantity in the current drainage design code are not suitable for the design, operation and maintenance of rural sewage treatment projects(Q≤432 m3·d−1). Therefore, based on the observed data of the change in Beijing rural domestic sewage quantity, the empirical relationship between the peak variation factor (Kz) and the project scale under the conditions of low industrial wastewater ratio, no industrial wastewater and full-time water supply was determined through statistical analysis. The data table for the peak variation factor was provided within the rural domestic sewage quantity range of 1~432 m3·d−1. This study can provide reference for the design, operation and maintenance of rural sewage treatment project.
表 1 《室外排水设计规范》中综合生活污水量总变化系数
Table 1. Peak variation factor of comprehensive wastewater quantity in Code for Outdoor drainage Design
平均流量/(m3·d−1) Kz 平均流量/(m3·d−1) Kz 432 2.3 8 640 1.6 1 296 2.0 17 280 1.5 3 456 1.8 43 200 1.4 6 048 1.7 86 400 1.3 表 2 《镇(乡)村排水工程技术规程》中综合生活污水量总变化系数
Table 2. Peak variation factor of comprehensive wastewater quantity in Technical Specification for Drainage in Town and Village
平均流量/(m3·d−1) Kz 平均流量/(m3·d−1) Kz 432 2.5 6 048 1.8 1 296 2.2 8 640 1.6 3 456 1.9 表 3 农村生活污水量总变化系数
Table 3. Peak variation factor of rural domestic sewage quantity
平均日流量/(m3·d−1) Kz 平均日流量/(m3·d−1) Kz 1 5.00 100 2.74 5 4.05 150 2.59 10 3.70 200 2.50 30 3.20 300 2.37 50 3.00 400 2.28 80 2.82 -
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