Remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil in Tielong town of Wengyuan county, Shaoguan city, China
摘要: 农田土壤重金属污染已成为影响我国社会经济全面发展的突出问题之一。以韶关市翁源县铁龙林场土壤修复示范工程为案例,分析了矿区重金属污染农田工程修复的设计流程、工程实施中的重点与难点、修复技术的筛选以及修复效果评估。其中重度污染区通过种植桑树降低土壤中重金属含量,并开展养桑产业链阻止重金属进入人体的研究,每年可收益9.0万~10.2万元·hm-2;而中轻度污染区通过采用钝化修复技术及低吸收作物品种筛选,有效降低农作物对重金属的吸收,保障农产品安全。为我国矿区重金属污染农田修复工程技术和管理提供参考。Abstract: The heavy metal contamination of agricultural soils has become increasingly serious social and environmental problems in China. In this study, the demonstration project of soil remediation in Tielong town of Wengyuan county, Shaoguan city was collected as a case to analyze the design process of the restoration in the heavy metal contaminated mining farmland, the emphases and difficulties during implementing the project. Moreover, the screening of the remediation technology and the evaluation of the remediation effect were also discussed. The heavy metal in soil can be effectively absorbed by planting mulberry and prevented from entering the human body by breeding silkworms in severely polluted area, which can earn 90 000 to 102 000 yuan·hm-2 for one year. The heavy metal contents in crops are effectively reduced in moderate/mild polluted area by the selection of different remediation technology and low-absorbing crop varieties. This paper can provide references to ecological remediation of the heavy metal contaminated mining farmland in China.
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