Performance evaluation of a home-type compact clean-tank with partitioning aeration technology for rural wastewater treatment
摘要: 针对我国国情,应用分区曝气的原理开发了一款适用于乡村污水治理的单户型一体化污水处理设备。以常熟市某生活污水处理厂旋流沉砂池的进水为处理对象,对该设备的性能进行研究。结果表明,设备在水力停留时间(HRT)为10 h、曝气量为1.2 m3·h-1、回流比为1∶1时达到最佳工况点,出水COD、NH+4-N及SS达到1级A标准,TN达到1级B标准(GB 18918-2002)。研究发现,非曝气Ⅰ区内的填充介质有助于形成反应器内部的厌氧微环境,从而可以抑制回流液中的溶解氧对该区反硝化反应的不利影响。设备停运后的恢复能力与停运时间及环境温度等因素有关,而分区曝气工艺与固定床技术在设备停运恢复能力较弱时对出水水质有一定的缓冲作用。Abstract: A home-type compact clean-tank for domestic wastewater treatment was designed especially for a typical Chinese rural family usually with less capita and less water-consumption than those of western countries. Its performance was studied with influent from the rotational flow grit chamber of a municipal wastewater treatment plant in Changshu, China. The results showed that the best operation happened in the condition with HRT of 10 h, aeration rate of 1.2 m3·h-1 and reflux ratio of 1∶1, and the designation may have the effluent COD, NH+4-N and SS meet the requirement of the national standard 1A and the effluent TN meet the national standard 1B (GB 18918-2002). It is concluded that to pack filtration media in the non-aeration zone Ⅰ may help form anaerobic micro-environment for denitrification, partially offsetting the impact of the DO in reflux liquid. Restorability of the running after suspension was affected by the length of time-out and the temperature. However, the partition aeration and the fixed bed had buffering effect on effluent quality when in low restorability.
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