Characteristic of remaining dust and wet road dust on city roads in Beijing
摘要: 道路扬尘是大气细颗粒物的来源之一,道路清扫保洁可以降低道路积尘量和道路扬尘排放。收集北京市2015年道路尘土残存量(d≤2 mm)数据,采用道路积尘湿式采样器采集秋季道路积尘量(d≤180 μm),分析道路积尘的空间和道路类型分布特征,道路积尘中有机物和无机物含量等,并与瑞典斯德哥尔摩城市道路积尘特征进行比较。结果表明:春、夏、秋、冬和年均值道路尘土残存量分别为26.1、15.7、14.9、15.0和17.9 g·m-2,4类城市功能区的道路尘土残存量分别为13.8、15.0、24.8和20.6 g·m-2;秋季首都功能核心区和城市功能拓展区道路积尘量分别是道路尘土残存量的3.2和2.5倍,是斯德哥尔摩市道路积尘量的5.3和3.9倍;道路积尘量主要来自车辆遗撒、车轮带泥、非铺装路肩风蚀水蚀和大气降尘等无机物,无机物约占道路积尘量的(86.8±5.1)%,最高可达95.8%。建议严格控制渣土车遗撒和车轮带泥等污染源,并加强道路清扫保洁。Abstract: Fugitive road dust is one of the sources of fine particulate matter, and road sweeping and cleaning is one control measure to reduce road dust and fugitive road dust emissions. In this work, the dust remaining on the road (particle diameter ≤ 2 mm) was collected monthly in 2015, and wet road dust (particle diameter ≤ 180 μm) was sampled with a wet road-dust sampler in autumn 2015, in Beijing. The spatial and road type distribution characteristics of road dust were analyzed, the organic and inorganic matter content of the road dust were determined, and the characteristics of the urban road dust were compared with those of dust in Stockholm of Sweden. The results showed that, 1) The dust remaining on the road in spring, summer, autumn, and winter, and the annual average, were 26.1, 15.7, 14.9, 15.0, and 17.9 g·m-2 respectively. The dust remaining on the roads of four urban functional areas were 13.8, 15.0, 24.8, and 20.6 g·m-2, respectively, in Beijing. 2) In autumn, the quantity of road dust of the capital functional core area and city development zone were 3.2 and 2.5 times that remaining on roads respectively, in Beijing, and were 5.3 and 3.9 times that in Stockholm city. 3) Road dust mainly comes from inorganic matter including mud/dirt leakage and carryout from trucks, wind and water erosion of unpaved road shoulders, atmospheric dust fall, and so on. Inorganic matter accounts for about (86.8±5.1)% of road dust, up to 95.8%. The recommendation from this study is to control strictly the pollution sources of mud/dirt leakage and carryout from trucks, and strengthen the road sweeping and cleaning.
Key words:
- Beijing /
- Stockholm /
- remaining dust on road /
- road dust /
- wet dust sampler
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